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New constitution
There was such a scenario Tommy, ‘oh we’ve still got to vote on Section such and such’ but I can;t remember if it was 5 or 7. I wasn’t privy to any heated exchanges (but I’m rather like the zoo photographer in the advert who ‘has a break, has a Kit-Kat’ and thereby misses the pandas coming out and dancing together in roller skates)

More generally, it was not clear whether the constitution itself would have an overall vote. It was being played 'by ear'. This seems particularly inappropriate when you consider that there were a lot of proxy votes, of which many Andy said were conditional on particular sections. I don’t know how they could be allocated en masse amidst all the sectional ebb and flow. Andy could have said anything about the count! But then he didn’t, of course, but it’s not exactly a process with gravitas.

Don’t let people tell you that proxy votes are the problem! The rush was the problem.

For a new constitution there needs to be a settled proposal to scrutinize, and then a suitable notice period for amendments which also need to be settled and voted on before a final draft is circulated (again with a suitable notice period) followed finally by a vote. That way, proxies wouldn’t be a problem as they would not be kept guessing as to what they were voting on, and poor Andy wouldn't have to guess what they want.

"After much deliberation, the CWP produced the first draft of the proposed new constitution (PNC) for the
Moderators to consider. Possible areas for amendment came back to CWP and these were actioned. The
resulting draft was considered by elected members of CS Council on 30 May, 2015. A number of
comments by Council were taken on board, and the amended PNC sent to all CS Council members for
their comments/suggestions. This consultation exercise generated only two responses, both of which were
considered for the final draft."

Question, why were only ELECTED members of council invited to the meeting on May 30th to discuss the document, why not the full council?
Hi Steve,

In actual fact the full council, 30+ people, were invited.

11 sent apologies and 5 council members and CWP/Moderators attended.
Jim Webster Wrote:Hi Steve,

In actual fact the full council, 30+ people, were invited.

11 sent apologies and 5 council members and CWP/Moderators attended.

I was not invited and I am the representative of the Braille Chess association to the CS Council
In the absence of Karen Howie (the current Membership Secretary), I wrote a set of minutes recording the SGM on 14 July. There is a link from the home page but added here for completeness <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

OK, gentlemen, over to you - open season. Only one request, please do not shoot Walter's pandas.

Dick Heathwood

(Must get round to asking for a password in my own name.)
StevieHilton Wrote:Jim,
I was not invited and I am the representative of the Braille Chess association to the CS Council

I can only apologise for that Steve. Your name is not on the list of council contacts as published on this website and that was the list used.

Looking at it now (isn't hindsight great) there seems to be a shortcoming in that the list of affiliations, and the names of their assigned representatives, do not get listed. I personally know who some are, but not all. It's not an insurmountable problem and now it has come to light it should be one that is easily rectified.

By the way - I did not send the out the call, but did help compile the list.
I'm sure saw a link to SGM minutes here, was going to comment - now i can't find it. Anyone know where it is?
Or maybe I'm now 'seeing pandas'!?

Membership Secretary Wrote:In the absence of Karen Howie (the current Membership Secretary), I wrote a set of minutes recording the SGM on 14 July. There is a link from the home page but added here for completeness <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

OK, gentlemen, over to you - open season. Only one request, please do not shoot Walter's pandas.

Dick Heathwood

Also on the front page
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Thanks Andy - but I was hoping to post a comment and I thought there was a new thread, where DIck's post was. Maybe it's been moved. Should I just continue this epic old thread - maybe we are going for the record length!? Cheers
From the minutes:

Quote:The merits of the two amending motions were considered against each other and the Meeting agreed unanimously that the Derek Howie suggestion should fall in favour of the Walter Buchanan suggestion.

So my proxy votes were ignored? I don't see how a SGM can be valid when either proxy votes are ignored, or that votes were taken on questions that were not n the agenda.

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