Hello there Gerald.
The idea that disgraceful allegations are levelled at esteemed officials must indeed be horrifying. I’m genuinely sorry that this perception might have aggravated you in your recuperation, in which I wish you all the best
I think if you yourself level this kind of accusation, call for apologies and talk about integrity you have to specify what allegations you believe your post has refuted.
It could be that you regard every query as an allegation. You could be forgiven for this, as this has been the post-meeting attitude of CS management to questions in general.
Perhaps you haven’t been able to read the thread since the meeting – I don’t blame you, especially if you’re unwell but if you haven’t read the thread how can you make up your mind about such detail and then level your own accusations?
Thank you for your elucidations in point 3). These refer to some inevitable complexities of conditional proxy votes, and the fact that Andy attempted to handle them in real time. You write:
“3. One problem was that a number of the proxy votes held by the Executive Director had 'provisos' e.g.' if Section X was approved/modified in a certain form then I will support (or vote against) Section Y'. This is the best way to present proxy votes under the current Constitution rather than the blanket 'yes' or 'no'”
This hardly makes sense; Andy did explain that some proxy votes for or against the CONSTITUTION were conditional on the outcome of one or more section votes. I imagine this meant mostly the age voting and eligibility section.
It's odd to say "the best way to present proxy votes" as if any presentation would make any difference to the voting. Not that there was any presentation (of any kind) of proxy votes - in the meeting we didn't really know what Andy was doing, we just had to trust him, I think he only read out the overall situation for each section after proxy votes were counted, and updated us on how the vote on the constitution was affected after conditional votes were counted.
Yes it’s clever enough to do this in real time – the trouble is Gerald, for the eligibility vote (the run-off of my motion versus Derek’s) the proxies were NOT counted - it’s even noted in the minutes as unanimous. Andy has now given us the proxy votes. When you say
“For every specific motion and amendment, however, the CORRECT number of proxy votes were recorded and distributed.”
you are almost right - except for the unfortunate instance of the run-off on the eligibility section – the one being discussed!
If you refer to the point made by Derek or myself on the questions on the section on eligibility, Derek has been given contradictory and/or factually incorrect replies. In fact, the simple truth hasn’t even been acknowledged to date, except tacitly by Andy who recently counted the proxies for us.
“It was suggested that Walter's and Derek's proposal be set head-to-head until to was made clear that Derek's was not a new proposal and this must be tested only against whichever of the new proposals was successful.
For that reason Derek's motion 'fell' with the proxy votes recorded for that then automatically transferred to the retention of the status quo (when that came to be voted on).”
This is incorrect, it WAS head to head. Derek's motion 'fell' versus my motion – and that was because of the votes taken at the meeting, which were unanimous as the minutes say (not sure why) and which did not as I say include the proxies for Derek’s motion. Can you not see that had Derek’s motion fallen as being the status quo, there would have not then been a need for any vote against my motion?
I’ll say again that most of the ‘accusations’ have been leveled by CS management by way of response to legitimate queries. Their posturing has been unbelievable and it began before the minutes were published. You can find details in my two most recent posts, if you care to read them. For the records, I’m happy to retract anything that is wrong or OTT. I'm old fashioned though, and kind of need to see it first