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Scottish Chess Tour
[pgn][Event "Inverness Balnuaran FIDE Open"]
[Site "Inverness"]
[Date "2015.09.12"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Green, Andrew"]
[Black "Birkett, Richard"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2168"]
[BlackElo "2033"]
[PlyCount "60"]
[EventDate "2015.09.13"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "5"]
[EventCountry "SCO"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 d5 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bg5 c6 7. e3 Nbd7 8.
Bd3 h6 9. Bh4 Qe7 10. a3 Ba5 11. b4 Bb6 12. Nge2 g5 13. Bg3 Nh5 14. b5 Nxg3 15.
hxg3 Kf8 16. Bf5 Nf6 17. O-O Kg7 18. Rfc1 Re8 19. bxc6 bxc6 20. Na4 Ba6 21. Bd3
Bxd3 22. Qxd3 Qe6 23. Rc2 Ng4 24. Rac1 Rac8 25. Rb1 Bc7 26. Nc5 Qf6 27. Nc3
Bxg3 28. fxg3 Rxe3 29. Qd1 Rce8 30. Qf1 Qg6 0-1[/pgn]
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Inverness Chess Congress
Minor Section
Round 2
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Result Black

1 6 Peter J, Doris 1256 [1] 1 Derek W, Coope 1365 [1] 1-0
2 2 James, Collins 1300 [1] 16 James, Carson 990 [1] 0-1
3 4 Ron J, McCormick 1272 [1] 20 Dietah, Connolly Sams 829 [1] 0-1
4 9 Ruairidh, McKay 1130 [½] 15 Lisa, Paton 993 [½] 1-0
5 11 Geoffrey, White 1104 [½] 17 Nandini, Dutta 972 [½] 1-0

6 19 Oishani, Dutta 840 [½] 13 Jonathan, McKay 1053 [½] 0-1
7 14 Robert, Mcleod 1043 [½] 21 Aditya, Hegde 478 [½] 1-0
8 10 Andrew, Millar 1106 [0] 5 Malcolm, MacMillan 1271 [0] 1-0
9 12 David, Watson 1102 [0] 7 Martin, O`Leary 1254 [0] 1-0
10 8 William V, Bower 1160 [0] 18 Jeffrey M, Robinson 931 [0] 1-0

11 3 Roland A, Fraser 1300 [½] ½

Inverness Chess Congress
Minor Section
Round 3
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Result Black

1 Dietah Connolly Sams (2) v Peter Doris (2)
2 James Carson (2) v Ruairidh McKay (1.5)
3 Geoffrey White (1.5) v Robert McLeod (1.5)
4 Jonathan McKay (1.5) v James Collins (1)
5 Derek Coope (1) v David Watson (1)
6 William Bower (1) v Roland Fraser (1)
7 Ron McCormick (1) v Andrew Millar (1)
8 Lisa Paton (0.5) v Oishani Dutta (0.5)
9 Nandini Dutta (0.5) v Aditya Hegde (0.5)
10 Malcolm MacMillan (0) v Jeffrey Robinson (0)
Bye - Martin O'Leary
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Inverness Chess Congress
Major Section
Round 2
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Black

1 Keith Aitchison v David Cumming 1-0
2 Callum Smith v Robin Moore 1-0
3 David Potts v Michael McRobert 0.5-0.5
4 Ioannis Dabos-Doukas v Walter Pearson 0.5-0.5
5 Tom Constance v Paul MacDonald 0.5-0.5
6 Nihad Abddullazada v George McRobert 0-1
7 Lukah Connolly Sams v Jan Baron Majerik 1-0

Inverness Chess Congress
Major Section
Round 3
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Black

1 Callum Smith (2) v Keith Aitchison (2)
2 Michael McRobert (1.5) v Ioannis Dabos-Doukas (1)
3 Robin Moore (1) v Tom Constance (1)
4 George McRobert (1) v David Potts (1)
5 Walter Pearson (1) v Lukah Connolly Sams (1)
6 David Cumming (1) v Paul MacDonald (0.5)
7 Jan Barron-Majerik (0) v Nihad Abdullazada (0)
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Inverness Chess Congress
Open Section
Round 2
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Black

1 John Healy v Clement Sreeves 0-1
2 Andrew Green v Richard Birkett 0-1
3 Heinrich Koble v Hamish Olson 0-1
4 Murad Abdulla v Kai Pannwitz 0-1
5 Declan Shafi v Andrew Newton 1-0
6 Stephen Robinson v James Doyle 0-1
7 Eaun Gray v Peter Ackley 1/2-1/2
8 Duncan Campbell v Neil Irving 1/2-1.2
9 Joy Durno v Gary O'Grady 0-1
Full Point Bye - Nigel Chapman

Inverness Chess Congress
Open Section
Round 3
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Black

1 FM Clement Sreeves (2) v Richard Birkett (2)
2 Hamish Olson (2) v Kai Pannwitz (2)
3 James Doyle (1.5) v Declan Shafi (1.5)
4 Nigel Chapman (1) v Andrew Green (1)
5 Euan Gray (1) v John Healey (1)
6 Gary O'Grady (1) v Henrich Koble (1)
7 Neil Irving (0.5) v Murad Abudlla (0.5)
8 Peter Ackley (0.5) v Stephen Robinson (0.5)
9 Andrew Newton (0.5) v Duncan Campbell (0.5)
Bye - WFM Joy Durno (0)
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Inverness Chess Congress
Minor Section
Round 3
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Result Black

1 Dietah Connolly Sams (2) v Peter Doris (2) 0-1
2 James Carson (2) v Ruairidh McKay (1.5) 0.5-0.5
3 Geoffrey White (1.5) v Robert McLeod (1.5) 0-1
4 Jonathan McKay (1.5) v James Collins (1) 1-0
5 Derek Coope (1) v David Watson (1) 1-0
6 William Bower (1) v Roland Fraser (1) 0-1
7 Ron McCormick (1) v Andrew Millar (1) 0-1
8 Lisa Paton (0.5) v Oishani Dutta (0.5) 1-0
9 Nandini Dutta (0.5) v Aditya Hegde (0.5) 1-0
10 Malcolm MacMillan (0) v Jeffrey Robinson (0) 1-0
Bye - Martin O'Leary
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Inverness Open
Inverness (11/09/2015, 13/09/2015)
Pairing of round 4, at 10:30 of 13/09/2015

Bo. White Pnt Black Pnt IdW-IdB RES
1 Doyle James 2.5 Sreeves Clement 3
2 Green Andrew D 2 Olson Hamish 2
3 Birkett Richard 2 O Grady Gary P. 2
4 Healy John 2 Newton Andrew 1.5
5 Shafi Declan 1.5 Irving Neil 1
6 Abdulla Murad 1 Gray Euan 1
7 Ackley Peter J E 1 Chapman Nigel 1
8 Robinson Stephen 1 Durno Joy 1
9 Campbell Duncan A F 0.5 Koble Heinrich 1

The following player(s) got a BYE:
17 - Pannwitz Kai
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Inverness Major
Inverness (11/09/2015, 13/09/2015)
Pairing of round 4, at 10:30 of 13/09/2015

Bo. White Pnt Black Pnt IdW-IdB RES
1 Constance Tom 2 Smith Callum 3
2 Potts David 2 Pearson Walter 2
3 Dabos - Doukas Ioannis 2 Cumming David R 2
4 Aitchison A Keith 2 McRobert Michael 1.5
5 Abdullazada Nihad 1 Moore Robin 1
6 Connolly Sams Lukah 1 McRobert George R 1
7 Macdonald Paul H 0.5 Barron-Majerik Jan 0

Generated by Vega - <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
(Arbiter/Club : unregistered)
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Inverness Chess Congress
Minor Section
Round 4
Venue: Cheftain Hotel
Date: 11/09/2015 to 13/09/2015
Timings: 90 mins to completion plus an additional 30 secs for each move

Board White Result Black

1 Peter Doris (3) v Jonathan McKay (2.5)
2 James Carson (2.5) v Robert McLeod (2.5)
3 Dietah Connolly Sams (2) v Derek Coope (2)
4 Roland Fraser (2) v Andrew Millar (2)
5 Ruairidh McKay (2) v Geoffrey White (1.5)
6 Nandini Dutta (1.5) v Lisa Paton (1.5)
7 James Collins (1) v Wlliam Bower (1)
8 Martin O'Leary (1) v Ron McCormick (1)
9 David Watson (1) v Malcolm MacMillan (1)
10 Aditya Hegde (0.5) v Oishani Dutta (0.5)
Bye - Jeffrey Robinson
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Some really interesting interesting results and games - great event

Wouldnt mind seeing some more games
Will try to get all the games available somewhere soon. In the meantime :

Open Results :

Major Results :

Minor Results :

Any errors please let me know. Report to follow.
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