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AGM proposals
amuir Wrote:
robin moore Wrote:Andy Muir,

Proposals 2 and 5 are already part of the ChessScotland constitution.

Proposal 3- Matt has made his position clear on being considered for selection on numerous occasions.

Proposal 4- Are you suggesting there should not be a selection committee?

Proposal 6 is totally impractical.

Proposal 7- What training? Are ChessScotland funding it?

Robin , constitution was rejected.
Although Matt made his position clear, CS have not.
The selection committee & selections should be made by ID not overseer.
It is not impractical to move Scottish.
CS pay thousands of pounds each year into junior training.

Anyway if these are not seconded I am happy for Jacob to win the Scottish, incompetent directors not turning up for meetings, selections made by overseer and Glorney team never to win.

Can someone second these please ?

Reference your statement above that CS pay thousands per year into junior coaching. If you meant by this the costs of getting coaches to attend international events then you statement looks to be 100 % correct. And there is nothing wrong with spending budget for that purpose. I see no controversy.

Your original statement on the topic was

"Our top juniors, having received training, are expected to play in the Glornry cup each year"

The top juniors as I understand have on line coaches with the costs paid for by their parents. With coaches allocated to pupils by CS

It seems reasonable to me that a consequence of joining this elite training programme should be that these players are expected to endeavour to make themselves available for international events.

I seeing nothing controversial in this either. Other opinions and conclusions may be are equally valid though
Phil Thomas Wrote:
amuir Wrote:
robin moore Wrote:Andy Muir,

Proposals 2 and 5 are already part of the ChessScotland constitution.

Proposal 3- Matt has made his position clear on being considered for selection on numerous occasions.

Proposal 4- Are you suggesting there should not be a selection committee?

Proposal 6 is totally impractical.

Proposal 7- What training? Are ChessScotland funding it?

Robin , constitution was rejected.
Although Matt made his position clear, CS have not.
The selection committee & selections should be made by ID not overseer.
It is not impractical to move Scottish.
CS pay thousands of pounds each year into junior training.

Anyway if these are not seconded I am happy for Jacob to win the Scottish, incompetent directors not turning up for meetings, selections made by overseer and Glorney team never to win.

Can someone second these please ?

Reference your statement above that CS pay thousands per year into junior coaching. If you meant by this the costs of getting coaches to attend international events then you statement looks to be 100 % correct. And there is nothing wrong with spending budget for that purpose. I see no controversy.

Your original statement on the topic was

"Our top juniors, having received training, are expected to play in the Glornry cup each year"

The top juniors as I understand have on line coaches with the costs paid for by their parents. With coaches allocated to pupils by CS

It seems reasonable to me that a consequence of joining this elite training programme should be that these players are expected to endeavour to make themselves available for international events.

I seeing nothing controversial in this either. Other opinions and conclusions may be are equally valid though


You have changed the wording of what Andy Muir said which was...

"CS pay thousands of pounds each year into junior training"

but you wrongly quote it as...

"Reference your statement above that CS pay thousands per year into junior coaching."

Andy made no reference whatsoever to providing coaches abroad.

So I confused the words training and coaching or was it confusion between coaching and training. Either way its a trivial point.

sure Andy did not mention coaching abroad or training abroad. I did so in order to support the point he was making. That is how a forum should work.

More to the point do you still maintain that details of the CS spend on juniors has been published?
I still can not find it anywhere. The level of detail you claim to know is certainly not in the accounts for 2013 to 2014 published on Feb 16th 2015.

Do you perhaps have access to data from the financial year 2014 to 2015 ?

Why don't you allow Andy Muir the opportunity to explain by himself exactly what he meant? I am sure he is more than capable of doing so. If he had the need to hire a go between, third man, interpreter or ventriloquist's dummy to speak for him he is perfectly capable of organising it.
this topic in danger again of going off topic similar to other recent threads.If the posts become another personal slanging match then action will be taken again.
amuir Wrote:Robin : the adult budget in Olympiad year was £5500. I would imagine junior budget similar and runs to thousands of pounds.

Andy H: for those of my motions that are not seconded can I send you them anyway and ask for seconder at AGM ?


Link here to the proposed budget for 2014-2015...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

As you can see the proposed budget for international junior chess is £5000.

I have no idea for certain in exact numbers how this was intended to be used but it's normally for supporting coaches at international events such as the World, Euroyouth, EU youth, U16 Olympiad, Glorney etc.
I don't believe it's intended for one to one individual training here in Scotland.

If you feel you may have been mistaken in how the proposed budget was spent, that is no problem.

The slanging match started much earlier, in fact on the second post.

robin moore Wrote:Thanks Andy,
Looking forward to the noticeboard discussion on these proposals. Incidentally, I have now realised how hard it is to type when you are laughing so much my lunchtime coffee is running down my nose.

Some of the points in Andy's original post are now being discussed, showing that constructive criticism is better than ridicule
robin moore Wrote:
amuir Wrote:Robin : the adult budget in Olympiad year was £5500. I would imagine junior budget similar and runs to thousands of pounds.

Andy H: for those of my motions that are not seconded can I send you them anyway and ask for seconder at AGM ?


Link here to the proposed budget for 2014-2015...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

As you can see the proposed budget for international junior chess is £5000.

I have no idea for certain in exact numbers how this was intended to be used but it's normally for supporting coaches at international events such as the World, Euroyouth, EU youth, U16 Olympiad, Glorney etc.
I don't believe it's intended for one to one individual training here in Scotland.

If you feel you may have been mistaken in how the proposed budget was spent, that is no problem.

Thanks Robin,

I had missed this data.

My recollection from attending the 2014 agm is that no changes were made to the proposed budgets. So if my recall is correct these were the budgets in force for the financial year which ended in 2015.
amuir Wrote:These are my proposals.
Any that are seconded will be sent to Andy H for formality.I shall attend in person.

1. The Scottish Champion must be SCO FIDE affiliated.
2. Having a Scottish grandparent is insufficient eligibility to represent Scotland. This shall not appear in any eligibility rules.
3. Matt Turner will be considered for the Olympiad as a wildcard due to services to chess, subject to agreement of the reamining team members.
4. There shall be no selection oversight position. International Directors shall be solely responsible for selections.
5. Directors shall serve a one-year term. (As in football, bad managers should be sacked promptly)
6. The Scottish Championships shall not overlap the Glorney Cup dates (our top players rarely play in the Glorney and haven't won for 50 years)
7. Our top juniors, having received training, are expected to play in the Glorney Cup each year.

In addition to these Andy I suggest you put forward a motion that to cast a proxy vote one has to be a member at the time of the meeting.. For the rationale for this motion take a few minutes to compare the list of members on July 14th with the list of proxy votes on July 14th

What is the purpose of your innuendo? You are not a member of CS. Instead of of sniping from the sidelines to make scandalous but non-specific references to (a) possible dereliction of duty on the part of an unspecified CS official and (b) the possible adoption of incorrect procedures at the SGM, why don’t you just specify the proxy votes you think are invalid?

If you are interested in accuracy, send a private email to the Executive Director. If on the other hand you are seeking headline publicity, then - frankly - your post should be removed from the Noticeboard.


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