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AGM proposals
It's a very difficult situation Helen, and I'm not even close to 100% convinced of my own views on it given above!

At the moment, with the Scottish Championships being an Open event, there is room for manoeuvre (anyone can play but not all will be eligible for certain titles) but your question makes things much trickier.

'What if we revert to a closed event?' Players like yourself, Jacob Aagaard, Mark Orr and possibly quite a few others might be ineligible to play :/ Would that benefit Scottish chess or not?

Do we draw a line somewhere? If so where? At the moment we have a 'line' but not everybody thinks it's in the right place! Residency? Birth? (Grand)Parentage? Dual citizenship is ok but residency isn't? Or vice-versa? FIDE registration as SCO is a must?

I don't know the correct answer - I only know that it 'feels' wrong to me that people who don't want to represent Scotland (for whatever reasons) would want, or be able, to be Scottish champion!
HelenMilligan Wrote:Hi Walter,

I'm back in Scotland every year or so to visit my parents, usually in conjunction with an event (such as the Olympiad) on this side of the planet. I don't want to give FIDE more money to transfer back - in any case, there are too many interesting Asian-only events that I now qualify for - but I am interested in taking part in the Scottish Championships. My question is, are you about to rule me out of winning any Scottish title? OK probably a rhetorical question as I get weaker and weaker, but could no doubt be relevant to others in my situation.

Hi Helen. I understand the points of discussion beween you and Andy Burnett. Under my motion you would of course be eligible as you meet two of the numbered criteria and ONLY ONE is needed.

My motion is NOT concerned with restricting the eligibility criteria further (I'm not in any CS office). Rather it's an attempt to ensure members have a formal say in the main criteria for 'Scottishness as there have been moves (as in the proposed new constitution amongst others) which would allow management to vary these to suit and/or make somewhat surreptitious departures from the prevailing criteria.

Message from dictator Andy Howie this morning:

Good morning Andy
Your motions were received after the cut off. Accordingly I cannot take them forward.
I note that quite a few are for the new constitution. I would recommend that you submit them for the SGM. Details of when and where will be forthcoming.
To answer the question you posed on the noticeboard. As I did not receive anything from you advising you wanted to continue, I have had to record as no nominaton received.
1 . The Scottish Champion must be SCO FIDE affiliated.(SECONDED BY G NEAVE)
2. Having a Scottish grandparent is insufficient eligibility to represent Scotland. This shall not appear in any eligibility rules.
3. Matt Turner will be considered for the Olympiad as a wildcard due to services to chess, subject to agreement of the reamining team members.
4. There shall be no selection oversight position. International Directors shall be solely responsible for selections.
5. Directors shall serve a one-year term. (As in football, bad managers should be sacked promptly)
6. The Scottish Championships shall not overlap the Glorney Cup dates (our top players rarely play in the Glorney and haven't won for 50 years)
7. A player who refuses selection for Glorney Cup without good reason shall have receive no further CS funding for 2 years.

Predictions for 2016
1. Danish player Jacob Aagaard wins the Scottish Championship. Mark Orr finishes second.
2. England win the Glorney Cup again. Scotland finish last.
3. Matt Turner stops training Scottish Juniors.
4. Several English GMs qualify for Olympiad team on grandparent rule.Selector oversight director makes changes to Olympiad squad to get his own person in the team.
5. A lazy director fails to attend any meetings or do any work. He refuses to leave without financial compensation.
6. The SGM is held on a weekday morning with an attendance of 10 people. The new constitution is passed unanimously.

I enjoyed working as ID and Richardson controller but that's the end for me.
Thank you for sharing a private email Andy....

Thought of deleting the post as it is abusive but I am going to leave it on to let people see the kind of thing Ian and I have to deal with...

I'd just like to point out that Andy had 3 weeks to put the proposals in, was requested twice to state his intention on whether he wanted to stand at the AGM and never had the common decency to reply (this is by his own admission a few posts back).

Had the proposals arrived a few minutes late I would have let them in but he was not even in the same timezone..

In the words of Douglas Adams "So long and thanks for all the fish..."
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
amuir Wrote:Predictions for 2016
1. Danish player Jacob Aagaard wins the Scottish Championship. Mark Orr finishes second.
2. England win the Glorney Cup again. Scotland finish last.
3. Matt Turner stops training Scottish Juniors.
4. Several English GMs qualify for Olympiad team on grandparent rule.Selector oversight director makes changes to Olympiad squad to get his own person in the team.
5. A lazy director fails to attend any meetings or do any work. He refuses to leave without financial compensation.
6. The SGM is held on a weekday morning with an attendance of 10 people. The new constitution is passed unanimously..

Oh go on, I'll bite...

1. Look at CS history, it has happened before. Jacob is eligible (and has done more for Chess in Scotland than the complainant!)
2. England population 45 million, Scotland 5. They have a bit of an advantage.
3. Matt is entitled to do whatever he wants. He has performed a great service to us over the years. If he did, it would be a loss but he would do so with our thanks and gratitude
4. We don't have a selector oversight director. One is needed after the farce of the Olympiad Captain selection
5. SGM can be called to remove a director. They can refuse all they want!
6. Well I would not be able to be there either, that takes it down to 9... No the SGM will not be called midweek details to follow...
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
and now peace reigns Smile
Andy Howie Wrote:No the SGM will not be called midweek details to follow...

Why is an SGM being called? Why is not just being done in the AGM?
Having during the AGM limits time for discussion.
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Andy Howie Wrote:Having during the AGM limits time for discussion.

I agree I presume the SGM wont be until at least the Autumn
Ianbrownlee Wrote:
Andy Howie Wrote:Having during the AGM limits time for discussion.

I agree I presume the SGM wont be until at least the Autumn

Really Ian? Presumably Andy means that continuing the SGM during the AGM itself would limit discussion time for ordinary AGM business? It wouldn't be logical to delay the SGM as it's supposed to be a contunuation of the unfinished one, viz:

13) Continuation of Special General Meeting
The Meeting accepted without formal vote, the Chairman’s suggestion that the issues not yet addressed
should be resolved at a separate SGM to be held immediately prior to the AGM scheduled to be held on 29 August.
Discussion at that SGM would be confined to motions already proposed but not yet considered.
It would not create an opportunity to re-open topics already addressed and resolved.
In the meantime, the proposed new Constitution as amended at this SGM would be posted in the CS Notice Board and members invited to cast vote for or against the remaining proposed amendments and the Constitution as a whole.
End of Minutes
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The AGM notice currently indicates an SGM is "being considered" the same day:
As we are considering an SGM, the time will be announced later but is expected to be around noon.

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