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SNCL 2015/16 Sorry for delay
Hi Folks,

I am sure you are all champing at the bit to get the entry forms for SNCL.

Sorry I have not done them yet!!

I've had a dreadful couple of months with Mam being very unwell and culminating in me having to find and put her into a nursing home. Definitely the worst time of our lives.

Although still unwell she is becoming more settled and life is returning to normal so I hope to have the forms ready this weekend and get them sent to the relevant council members to send them out to clubs and put on the calendar noticeboard.

However, if you are worried you get missed out please email me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> with details of your team and I will happily make up a list for Andy Howie. Fees remain at £100 per team
As the majority of teams now pay me on the day I would suggest that everyone does this and save yourselves the postage.

Anyone who needed extra trophies from last year please email me with the details as I have forgotten!!

Sorry I'm not more organised -- things will improve.

I've done the entry forms and handed them to Andy Howie last week to put up on calendar and give out to clubs. However, he must be working as I see it has not been done. Please email me with your entry requests and we'll sort out everything else later!!

Hi Glynnis
I'm very sorry to say that Lanark Chess Club wont be able to field a team this year
Sad to hear that Ian. I hope everyone is well and look forward to Lanark returning soon
Hi Folks,

Hope you have got the entry forms etc by now. I have sent copies to CS calendar and they hopefully will appear there shortly.

Just email details of your team and contact person to either myself or Andy Howie (ASAP)and we'll sort it all out.

SNCL round 1 is only 3 weeks away 25th October. Have you got your team ready?

I guess this is around that traditional time of year when I ask when the draw will be published %-( . Thanks
The draw cannot be done until all the clubs let either myself or Andy know if they are playing. I have already apologised for my part in the delay but have asked you all to email me. Have I heard from your club George -- NO. Therefore I take it the draw can be done without your club.

You will also notice that my first notice was dated 18th Sept. It did state email me. Gave all clubs plenty of notice but I am still waiting for them to respond.

At this moment in time my Mam is my top priority. I've done my part (entry forms were sent out by me to the person who sends them on to the clubs and to the calendar website person). If you're not happy George, as I have stated for many years now, you can take over the organisation of SNCL. Vote me out in March!!

All clubs please email us before the 15th so that Andy has a week to sort out the draw.

I am delighted to say that the forms etc are now up on the CS website. Big thanks for that. Now come on the rest of you email me your entries NOW

Entries beginning to come in to my email address, thanks everyone. Still not heard from Edinburgh George. I suggest you chase them up please.

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