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European Youth Croatia
Good luck to Monica, Callum and Jake who are representing Scotland at the Euroyouth, Croatia starting today.

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Monica had a fine first round win against a much higher rated player, but the boys both lost. All three have more tough opposition in the second round.
Mad game with Monica on the live boards now!
Think Peter might have to post another %%- as Monica must have used all of the luck of the last one up. Good stuff though and pleased to see her scoring 1.5 out of the 2 rounds so far.

Good to see Callum get off the mark too and hopefully it will be Jake's turn tomorrow. No easy matches at this Championships though.

(*) (*) (*)
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Round 3
Pairings of the next round for SCO

Rd. Bo. No. Name FED Rtg Pts. Name FED Rtg No.
3 36 57 Thybo Thomas Sondergaard DEN 1928 ½ ½ Smith Callum SCO 1515 86
3 54 95 Troselj Ivan CRO 1459 0 0 Sanger Jake M SCO 0 108
3 9 48 Espinosa Cancino Monica SCO 1496 1½ 1 WIM Narva Mai EST 2203 4

[pgn][Event "25th European Youth Chess Championship "]
[Site "Porec"]
[Date "2015.09.22"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Milovanova, Maria"]
[Black "Espinosa Cancino, Monica"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2024"]
[BlackElo "1496"]
[PlyCount "92"]
[EventDate "2015.09.30"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCountry "CRO"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bg5 c6 7. Qc2 O-O 8. e3
Nbd7 9. Bd3 h6 10. Bh4 Re8 11. O-O Nf8 12. Ne5 Qd6 13. f4 Ng4 14. Qe2 Nf6 15.
g4 c5 16. g5 N6h7 17. Qh5 Re7 18. gxh6 g6 19. Bxe7 Qxe7 20. Nxd5 Qe6 21. f5
gxh5 22. fxe6 Bxe6 23. Ne7+ Kh8 24. Rxf7 Ng5 25. Rh7+ {??} Ngxh7 26. Rf1 cxd4
27. N7g6+ Kg8 28. a3 Bd6 29. exd4 Rd8 30. Be2 Nxg6 31. Nxg6 Bf7 32. Bxh5 Bxg6
33. Bxg6 Nf8 34. Be4 Be7 35. Rf3 Rxd4 36. Rg3+ Kh8 37. Bxb7 Rh4 38. Rg7 Bc5+
39. Kg2 Rxh6 40. Rf7 Bd6 41. h3 Ne6 42. Bc8 Rg6+ 43. Kf1 Bc5 44. b4 Bd4 45. a4
Ng5 46. Rd7 Rf6+ 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
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Rh7 looks like a mouseslip?
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