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new Coldingham Primary club - sets badly needed
Coldingham is a small sea side town, close to England and situated South East off the A1 in the Scottish Borders. As such the school is a small-medium sized school with not much of a Parents Committee for supporting clubs. A new chess club has been agreed with the school. Everything is there including parental volunteers and loads of kids (a few of whom can already play chess). The club has been driven by parents of kids who play chess at home. The Borders Chess League, which many will know is very small with only 4 small clubs and they don't have any income let alone cash reserves for supporting Junior Chess, like what some larger area League setups may have.

The club is ready to start tomorrow with one hold up - they don't have any chess sets. Is there any surplus sets around from inactive clubs, or any possible donation of sets that could help this club get going? I will keep in touch and liaise with the club, and any sets supplied (hopefully) can be given on condition they are returned to be used elsewhere if club becomes inactive.

Jonathan Livingstone
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Hi Jonathan
How many sets do you think you would need and is there anything else we can help you with?

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