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World Seniors 2015 Italy 10-22 Nov
Further good news as Craig puts his opponent out of his misery to also score 3/3
Good day at the office for Scotland - Douglas held a draw and I managed a win.

3.5/4 is not bad at all.

The blitz tournament was scheduled for 9:30 this morning but someone forgot to tell those responsible for opening the venue. It is now at 9:15 tonight.
Just home and thoroughly enjoyed playing through Roddy & Craig's games. Fantastic start for both.

Roddy's play today really was sublime... says a 1700, but that's as good as anything I have seen for ages.

Jim I was looking at your and Douglas' results, and couldn't quite work it out on the Chess Results page. 3.5/4 ? is that 3.5 / 6, unless you guys played a round less? Either way, yes thats good too Smile
Great starts by Craig and Roddy and well done Jim today. Hope you are all enjoying Italy :-)
Jonathan Livingstone Wrote:3.5/4 ? is that 3.5 / 6, unless you guys played a round less?

It was 3.5/4 for today's results.

In 50+
Roddy is on 3/3

In 65+
Craig is on 3/3, Douglas is on 1/3, and I'm on 1.5/3

Tough draws tomorrow though.
Anyone watching this afternoon?

Roddy has a solid position but a rather cramped position. 9..Nf8 has not fared particularly well in previous games at this level but at least it is trying to create some activity. I will be interested to see how that one goes.

Zhelnin has played a fairly innocuous line against Craig's Sicilian allowing Black to equalise fairly easily. Will they be content with a draw today, perhaps?
where are watching the games alastair
There is a choice of channels, among them -

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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... s_2015_p1/</a><!-- m -->

Sublime game yesterday.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Games here. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... s_2015_p2/</a><!-- m -->

TWIC usually has the list of live games for the week. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Yesterday Craig's opponent made 8 moves out of 22 with his Kings Knight and then it was exchanged. Roddy's opponent here is clearly trying to match that with 5 moves out of 14. Which isn't doing much for the rest of his development.

The game between the old Russian warhorses Pushkov and Vasiukov was drawn in 12 moves which was about what I expected. No Sofia rules here!

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