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World Seniors 2015 Italy 10-22 Nov
After a bit of thought Roddy has played the best continuation and now he has the chance to sieze the initiative with 16...h5!. If he finds that another good outcome is possible.

Edit - he's played it! He was no doubt thinking about it when he stopped for thought a few moves back.

Still nothing very interesting happening in Craig's game.
Does Craig's isolated pawn make him slightly worse? If not now, it could do later?

Roddy slowly building up something perhaps, but he will struggle to get his king castled now, but he may not need to!
Jonathan Livingstone Wrote:Does Craig's isolated pawn make him slightly worse? If not now, it could do later?

Actually, both of them have an isolated pawn, but they aren't weak because neither is on an open file. Also both sides have a couple of open files to use. Some exchanges are going to happen soon. I predict a draw.

Roddy is continuing to find the most active and best moves. He's on fire at the moment. He's got a serious initiative on the K side and White has more problems to solve. Great stuff!
Craig's Knight on h6 gives me a little concern, he could lose a few endgame tempos moving it about.

Expect Roddy to win the pawn on c2.

EDIT: Roddy played 23. Rh2

But what was wrong with 23. NxBf2 Kxf2, 24. Rh2+ Kf3 25. Rh2+ winning pawn on c2 ?
Roddy is winning more than a pawn! He will win with Rxf2 and then Bc5. The game is won!

And Craig's knight is fine it will come back via f7.
Yes I see the bishop pin now. As well as being a 1700 I am whizzing around with kids, dinners and baths while trying to sneak a look at chess Smile
Bit of time trouble on Craig's board. Zhelnin actually blundered with 26.a4 which loses after 26...Rxc6 but Craigdidn't see that. Now he is slightly worse but time is still a factor. Roddy is a piece up but his opponent is not for giving up just yet.
Not sure at all what is happening in Craig's game. Opponent not coping well with low time? No need at all to exchange sac his rook surely. Craig's queen was momentarily out of it.

EDIT: 49.Rxe4+ Beautifully finished by Roddy once again, just class.
Zhelnin played some daft moves in time trouble and Craig is winning easily now that they have reached the time control. Well played both Roddy and Craig!
Just in and got drookit at work but I am smiling from ear to ear looking through the games today. The saltire is flying high tonight!

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