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Domestic touraments survey
If there's one thing Scotland needs tournament-wise, it's rapid events. Would that be a team event or individual? I'm not familiar with the McIssac.

Isn't the Richardson currently Fide rated? I was under the impression that it is.
The Richardson Cup like, the Spens and Campbell Rosebowl, is FIDE rated.

The proposed tournament would be an individual FIDE rated tournament, possibly with a minimun grading. If this was the case, we would also probably run a secondary FIDE rated tournament open to all. Suggestions include 15 Minutes each per player per game possibly with those infernal incremental time controls. Its all up for discussion.

I never thought about a team rapid play tournament (also FIDE rated) but it's a cracking idea, well worth following up. Also a great way of spending a day appealing to those who prefer shorter one day tournaments

We may have more venues available over the next season allowing for more events. We must always make sure however that we dont dilute what events which are already out there.

All in all I am very optimistic we are getting there.
Rapid is a lot of fun and only lasts one day. I'm all for it, team or not.
I am in complete and equally enthusiastic agreement with Alan Tate on the lack of seriously competitive Rapidplay events in Scotland.

These are excellent training events for players of all strengths apart from anything else. They don't put FIDE ratings 'at risk' for classical time-rates, aren't nearly as expensive as weekend Opens to play in or as expensive to organise (certainly those run on a one-day only basis).

The 4ncl run an annual team and individual Rapidplay championship weekend (usually end-September/ early October). The British individual Rapidplay champs has been running (latterly October/November) since the mid-1980s.

There is surely room in the calendar, not to mention demand, for an annual Scottish Individual and an annual Scottish (club) team Rapidplay championship. At least!
Here's my final ideas for discussion at the AGM
1. The tournament will be called the Chess Scotland National Rapid play event
2. The tournament will be FIDE rated, as well as local allegro rated
3. The time control is 25 minutes each plus one 10 second increment each
4. The inaugural event will be played on one day over five (or six rounds)
5. The winner of the open tournament will be the National Rapidplay Champion
6. The highest winning Chess Scotland member will also receive the MacIsaac trophy for one year
7. The tournament will be either an open or a open/major event dependant on entries and agreement at the AGM
8. Entries will be sent directly to the home director and will probably be held on March
9. Dependant on the success of this tournament, there may also be a secondary team event in the future
10. There will be no grading bar
I am not opposed to changes if they benefit all players in the country, but I do have serious doubts about time increments. In the blind community, we rely on analogue clocks to play our games. 99% of the digital clocks are inadequate for use by blind players. There is a digital clock available, but expensive.

What steps in the proposed changes will be taken to aid the blind/visually impaired player, should such a player decide to participate ?
I personally am not in favour of incremental controls but indications from FIDE state that all FIDE rated tournaments are moving towards increments including rapidplays etc and all the players I have either spoken to or emailed are strongly in favour of it, so are the arbiters. I have been told that the digital clocks for the visually impaired already have incremental time control functionality. I have spent a bit of time researching this and I have to trust my sources on this.
How about a simple proviso to the effect that, until such time as 'increment-functional' clocks for the visually -impaired are available (via CS, individuals,etc) games against those registered as visually-impaired will be played without increments? This does not need to become a big deal - common sense and decency will prevail!
Hi Andy
nice idea but the problem is that the overriding impression I got from everybody is both that we have limited manoeuvrability with the FIDE requirements and that we will need to digital clocks, no matter what. I had already raised these issues with the Management Committee and with discussion on the forum. The arbiters committee are structuring the format of the rules as we speak. Disability issues aside, it appears analog clocks are a no go and we require digital clocks, no matter what.
It's not quite true that you have no choice Ian, is it - you could choose to run a non-FIDE tournament.

What about asking FIDE if an exception might be made for visually impaired players. Might also be worth checking out their obligations under present disability legislation. I thought the whole point was there was an obligation to make the effort to accommodate people with disabilites whenever possible. Cheers

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