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Normally in September each year but I don't see it in the CS calendar.
Anyone know if its happening this year and, if so, when?
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OK, the timing of the Lothians Allegro and Congress were swapped, in 2011/12 I think.
What is missing from early in the season is in fact the full weekend congress.
To corrrect my quesiton then, is there a Lothians congress this year and, if so, will it be in September as usual?

(I think I still think of it as an allegro because of the fast ime control and 3 games on a Saturday which still feels like allegro to me Wink )
(Posted on behalf of David Stewart of Chess Edinburgh)

The Lothian's Allegro will be held on Sunday 15 January 2017 at the new plush venue at The Quay at Fisherrow Harbour, Musselburgh.

The Lothian's Congress will be discussed at the next Chess Edinburgh Council Meeting in September and we may have to restructure this event to a different format such as a Championship within Chess Edinburgh. We wish to continue using the Smerdon Cup, which is presented to the Lothian's Champion.

The future of the Lothian's Congress is likely to be put on hold until we have a period when there is an increase in demand for a two day event. The main problem is finding a suitable venue within budget with decreasing numbers. Venue costs at WHEC at Wester Hailes, have greatly increased over the past year whereas the numbers participating decreased last year from 105 to 71 players.
Sad to see the East of Scotland lose yet another rare weekend congress. Wonder what will be next to go? The decline continues...
Jonathan Livingstone Wrote:Sad to see the East of Scotland lose yet another rare weekend congress. Wonder what will be next to go? The decline continues...

Agreed. Is there noone for ECL that can comment what has happened? This event has been well attended and often with some very strong players as long as I have lived in Edinburgh (16 years). What is happening to the trophy I wonder? Maybe if you won it 3 times you get to keep? Wink
re Lothians Weekend Congress, Graham Kerr who is on the Lothian & Edinburgh Chess Council commented on this recently on the 'Domestic Tournaments Survey' thread <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1569&start=100</a><!-- l -->

In summary he said... Attendance this year was down 20% on last year, and according to TD David Stewart, the “lowest ever attendance”. I’m not sure it’s quite the lowest ever, but certainly for as long as I can remember. The Chess Edinburgh Council are also looking at ways to stem the tide, we can absorb a loss-making event every now and then, but longer term the event needs to at least break even. It will be back on in 2017, and at a new venue.
Jonathan Livingstone Wrote:re Lothians Weekend Congress, Graham Kerr who is on the Lothian & Edinburgh Chess Council commented on this recently on the 'Domestic Tournaments Survey' thread <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1569&start=100</a><!-- l -->

In summary he said... Attendance this year was down 20% on last year, and according to TD David Stewart, the “lowest ever attendance”. I’m not sure it’s quite the lowest ever, but certainly for as long as I can remember. The Chess Edinburgh Council are also looking at ways to stem the tide, we can absorb a loss-making event every now and then, but longer term the event needs to at least break even. It will be back on in 2017, and at a new venue.

I missed that. Thanks David. Guess the trophy doesn't get melted down just yet.

I got a suggestion, though, put up the entry fee. We got people spending 4 figure sums ot play chess abroad for goodness sake. £30-40 for a weekend's entertainment is nothing. Although admittedly maybe a tad high for a weekend in Wester Hailes. B-)
At the Chess Edinburgh Council Meeting it was agreed to organise the Lothian’s Championship for the players of Chess Edinburgh Member Clubs.
This Championship will be a five round Swiss Event in which we will use the time controls of 34 moves in 70 minutes followed by 15 minutes quick play finish.
Entries will be accepted until the end of October with each round to finish before the end of November, December, January, February and March. There is a £5 entry fee with the Champion winning the Smerdon Cup using Member Clubs venues.
Numbers at last year’s Lothian’s Congress decreased by 32% and at 71 players for a two day event format, our lowest ever attendance.
Should in the future there is an increase demand for a two day event then we would restart the Lothian's Congress as well as organise the Lothian's Championship.
Finally for the Lothian’s Allegro on Sunday 15 January 2017 increments will be used for the first time. The time control will be 25 minutes plus 5 second increment per move, in which the entry form should be available shortly.

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