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Scottish 2017
(23-07-2017, 11:23 PM)EAndy Howie Wrote: Congrats to Murad, sorry I was not at the Prize giving as I had to keep an eye on the final game in the 150.

I am literally just in, can I personally thank Jim Anderson for hanging back and giving us a hand to pack away.  There is a basic news item on the web page, I will update it after I have had some sleep (tomorrow) as I am out on my feet at the moment (I also need Alan to send on the photos).

Not my usual standard of service but I have been on the go since 9am this morning and it has been a long hard week for us so please accept my apologies

Very grateful thanks to you, Alex and all of the Arbiter team for your considerable efforts throughout the week in Dundee which contributed greatly to the enjoyment and success of the 150 celebrations!
We do and we checked yesterday. Murad is the second youngest
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Great stuff Murad - well done.
just been chatting with him by email, i had to ask if he'd turned 17 yet... i guess i shoulda looked in here first...
@Andy, who was it who won at a younger age, and how long ago?
Douglas Bryson has provided me with some data from which I have calculated the following:
The youngest champions are :
1.      Paul Motwani  (13/6/62,22/7/78, 16 yrs 39 days)
2.      Murad Abdulla (21/11/00, 23/7/17, 16 yrs 244 days)
3.      Jonathan Parker (19/5/76 , 1994, 18)
4.      Alexander Davie (4/4/46 , 1964 , 18)
5.      Peter Jamieson (1/7/46, 1965 , 19)
All of the games from the Championship & International Open are up on Chess Results.

The computer used to upgrade the Championship website is playing up hence the lack of updates for a few days.
I hope to have everything updated by the end of the week.
Good tournament, enjoyed it, nice to see the sponsorship and professional staging.
Cheers Andrew :-)
@Peter... you must be pleased with your draw vs GM Korneev ;-)
The draw against (IM) Roddy was quite nice ; the game with (GM) Korneev was interesting and "complex" (his words Smile ) , but he did win - if any results show otherwise it's a mistake.

I did enjoy the tourney though.
ah, right... the pgn i have gives it as a draw... sorry :-0

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