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Kircaldy Chess Congress
Hi Adam,

The Masters Qualifier at Kirkcaldy has been been withdrawn from the event due to lack of interest. I am hopeful that with some modifications that the Masters can go ahead at Renfrew, Stirling and Largs.

The hope of gathering a strong field at the finals of Largs was one of the main ideas behind the concept. With regard to FIDE rating, the plan was to canvass opinion at this year's final to see if they wished to see it rated the following season.

Hi Andrew,

The idea was that with the prize money rolling over to Largs that players would be playing for 3 times the amount or there abouts of the other sections by only taking part in 2 congresses for the cost of £45. Obviously, no prizes at the qualifiers has proven unpalatable. In order to offer the same prizes on offer as the U2000, U1700 and U1400 sections as well as keeping the same prize structure for Largs would require a £70 entry fee, which I fear would also be unpopular.

As I have just mentioned to Adam, I am hopeful that I can get a form of the Masters back up and running at the 3 other congresses I am planning to run this season. I will be canvassing opinion on the best way forward. The venue will either be the Vikingar or Sport Scotland National Centre Inverclyde and should be held 22nd-24th of June.

A possible middle way to continue with the Masters is for players paying a £55 entry fee, with qualifiers having the same prizes on offer as the other sections, with a reduced prize fund for Largs.

I am open for ideas for the way forward for a Masters or top section event and would welcome everyones thoughts on the matter.
Thanks for explaining Gary. Okay, I can understand a bit better now what you were aiming for, although it seems pretty clear from the responses so far that some changes are needed to make the Masters qualifying tournaments more appealing.

In these qualifying events, I strongly believe that the top-rated section should have, at the very least, equal prizes to the other sections. I would find it hard to play on principle if I knew that novices were going to be winning bigger prizes than players in the Open.
Obviously, to cover the cost of the extra prizes you would need to raise entry fees somewhere along the way, and/or reduce the prizes at the finale. To go some way towards balancing the overall budget, you could offer players finishing in the top third (or whatever cut-off point you see fit) a reduction in entry fee (maybe 50%, but whatever you think is best) to the final event at Largs, rather than free entry as you'd planned before. A 50% reduction would still give people a nice incentive to come and play, while also bringing in some revenue which will reduce the impact on prizes and entry fees.

I hope that's of some use, at least as a starting point for you to play around with the figures and see what might work.
There is still time to take part with entries being taken up to noon on Friday 22nd September.

There is also still rooms available at Dean Park House, with rooms at £65 pn and now £40 pn single supplement for self-catering accommodation just a few minutes walk from the venue. Players wishing to stay at the venue, Dean Park Hotel, should phone directly to book and mention the chess congress to get the advertised rate on the entry form. Bookings for Dean Park House should come directly to myself.
And now we get to play some chess, play starts tonight at 6:30.

Provisional pairings are now available here. Results and pairings will also appear at that site during the congress.

If you are a bye this evening and happen by please check you are not included in the draw, and vice versa.

Looking forward to welcoming you there this evening.

Have you seen the queues at that new bridge? Late start due to traffic, and we are nice like that.

Under 1400 draw changes due to organiser finding a half point bye he'd forgotten about.
All first round results and second round draws now available.
Never a good start to a morning with an apparent "silent" withdrawal. Rolleyes
All 2nd round results up and 3rd round draws.
3rd round results all uploaded with the 4th round draws also available.
Round 4 complete and on to round 5.

Another silent withdrawal in the final round too. Ill mannered at best, that sort of thing. Dodgy
Under 1400 finished bar the Armageddon, Under 1700 has a winner as does the U2000.

All games now finished.

The FIDE report for the Under 2000 can be accessed from the report tab. Please check the results for discrepancies.

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