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Hi all,

The final print issue of Scottish Chess magazine should be on its way to you this week. Apologies for the delay - we had to change our printers at short notice (many thanks to Peter Woods for stepping into the breach).

Also, a 48-page commemorative booklet of the Dundee 150th Anniversary event will soon be available via the CS website as a free pdf download, courtesy of the Dundee 150 Committee. Thanks once again to all who made this possible.

Andy Burnett

(CS magazine editor)
Just an update for anyone who has yet to receive their August issue of Scottish Chess magazine. A printing and postage issue has caused a delay for some subscribers but I expect everyone to have received their magazines by the end of next week. Apologies again for the long delay - the e-format version which I am currently working will at least not suffer from these problems.

If anyone would like to contribute games and/or articles for the October issue (or future issues) please contact me wither here or via abburnett (at) With pretty much unlimited space I'm more than happy to be flooded with submissions! Copy deadline date of October 12th!

Many thanks,
Andy Burnett
Hi all,

Hopefully by now everyone will have received their August issue of the CS magazine - if not please contact me.

The October issue, however, will be desperately short if no-one sends me reports from events, annotated games or any other chess-related article they might fancy writing!!! I don't want to fill a magazine with all of my own games, have been warned.

I have extended the magazine deadline until October 20th. Congress reports, league reports, any reports! Games, games, games and...positions. All welcomed Smile

Many thanks in advance,
Andy Burnett
As its Xmas I shall be nice.

I really enjoyed the December magazine. All was excellent. In particular I liked: praise for Richard Jennings; pgn files; info on Czech Tour; the peaceful countenances of our top players even under high definition photography
I enjoyed it as well and its obvious a lot of work has gone into it I've always thought we could have contributions about openings etc and also local news from chess Scotland and elsewhere, clubs etc. Ian Marks always gives great book reviews as well and each regional league could contribute items as well. It is a bumper edition and you don't have to wait unti Christmas to be nice ( only joking Andy M! ) Perhaps a regular feature from our president would bode well

All in all the digital format is proving to be very successful and congratulations to Andy B for the continued success

Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year!
Thanks Andy and Ian Smile

I'm happy to include anything and everything Scottish chess-related, and now there is basically unlimited space to do so, but I need people to send me contributions - there's only so much chasing I can do for material Wink  Reports, games, book reviews, photos etc can all be sent to

Wishing you both, and all our other members (and maybe even non-members!) a Merry Christmas and/or happy festive season!

Andy Burnett
I would like an article in the next magazine about Tim Upton with lots of photos commemorating his life. He was a great guy.
Hi Andy M Maybe you could write the article and send it to Andy B
(17-01-2018, 10:54 AM)Ianbrownlee Wrote: Hi Andy M Maybe you could write the article and send it to Andy B

Hi gents,

It's already being taken care of. In general it's best to always check with me before going to the trouble of writing something, just in case I already have someone covering it.

The sad losses of Tim Upton, and George Pyrich at Christmas time, will be covered in the February issue as both men were hugely influential figures in Scottish chess and beyond.

Andy Burnett

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