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Glorney Gilbert Junior Internationals Appeal
Trust's BT My Donate Appeal now at £895 (including Gift Aid); adding another £100 to me as Trust Treasurer via a separate source, it's now just £5 short of £1,000.

So, together with the Trust's own grant from the Trust's own Funds of £1,000, we have effectively reached the £2,000 mark, from all Trust-related sources.

That's almost one third of the total CS budget for the event ... so, do still keep up your generous support ... and continue to spread the word about the Appeal!

Thanks to all.
Latest update @ 24 June:

The ongoing appeal has now raised an excellent circa 2,100 pounds (with GiftAid). As the Trust has separately agreed to make a grant of 1,000 pounds, this means that the Trust (so far) guarantees that circa 3,100 pounds will be available to help defray the budgeted (Chess Scotland) cost of this event.

With still some 4 weeks before the Glorney Gilbert Junior Internationals begin (after the Scottish Championships), there is still time to make further donations and make further inroads into the event budget.

This is a very good cause and sponsors' generosity will long be appreciated by our competing youngsters … and their many visiting international opponents.
On the eve of the Glorney Gilbert Junior International events: the SJCA Educational Trust appeal has now comfortably exceeded the £3,100 mark (inclusive of the separate Trust grant of £1,000) as outlined in my previous 24 June post.

Please note that the appeal remains open until the end of the month (July). I hope to report soon that the appeal has raised more.

The worthiness of the cause has only just been underscored by our top board player in the Glorney event, Murad Abdullah, who has just won the 2018 Scottish championship (defending his 2017 title) and indeed taken first place outright as the 2018 Scottish International Open champion, ahead of all the non-Scots entrants as well as the Scots, a splendid achievement.

Go all of our Scottish juniors in the next few days! Good luck!

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