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Chessbase analysis
Thanks for sharing these updates, I'm on the edge of my seat!
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
god david you need to get out more....or get a good book!
OK Chessbase boffins. I have had this problem recently. I want to annotate a game for publication and after the opening white had a slight advantage, +/= is the normal symbol. After a bad mistake by white, black stood somewhat better, -/+ is the normal symbol. However in the manual for Chessbase 13 , and also my laptop , +/= becomes 2, -/+ becomes μ so an annotated game becomes unreasonable to humans. How do I correct this ?

See below for excerpt from manual

2.2.2 Keyboard shortcuts for commentary symbols
When you type in text commentary, key names or game data you can use chess
figurines and the special symbols used to annotate games. This assumes that the
ChessBase fonts have been correctly installed and selected for that purpose.
Here are the symbols you can use and the keyboard shortcuts to input them:
Ctrl-K ¢ King
Ctrl-Q £ Queen
Ctrl-N ¤ Knight
Ctrl-B ¥ Bishop
Ctrl-R ¦ Rook
Ctrl-P § Pawn
Ctrl-A Attack
Ctrl-I Initiative
Ctrl-Shift-C Counterplay
Ctrl-Alt-I With the idea
Ctrl-S Space
Ctrl-Shift-Z Zeitnot (time trouble)
Ctrl-Alt-D Development
Ctrl-L File (line)
Shift-Ctrl-D Diagonal
Ctrl-Alt-Z Zugzwang
Ctrl-Alt-C Centre
Ctrl-Shift-W × Weak point.
Ctrl-O Only move
Ctrl-W ª withCtrl-Alt-W º without
Ctrl-Alt-Q « Queenside
Ctrl-Alt-K » Kingside
Ctrl-E v Endgame
Ctrl-Alt-P Pair of bishops
Ctrl-Alt-O ® Bishops of opposite colour
Ctrl-Alt-E ¯ Bishops of same colour
Ctrl-M ° With compensation for material
Ctrl-1 ± White has the upper hand
Ctrl-2 ² White stands somewhat better
Ctrl-3 ÷ Unclear
Ctrl-4 ³ Black stands somewhat better
Ctrl-5 μ Black has the upper hand
Ctrl-Alt-B ¹ Better is
Ctrl-Alt-R ½ Draw
Ctrl-Shift-P þ Passed pawn.
Have you tried displaying the "annotation palette"? You need to be be in the game window then select Ctrl-Alt-S to display. If you can't see the correct annotation symbols you may need to either change, or reinstall, to get the "figurine" font.
Jim I tried reinstalling, still doesn't work
I have 3 computers :
Using annotation palette:
desktop (windows 7 ) uses +/=, =/+, -+
old laptop (no internet) uses +/=, =/+, -+
new laptop (windows 10 , reinstalled chessbase) uses ² , ³ , μ still
I don't like the new laptop annotations at all as used in Chessbase 13, they don't make sense to anyone playing through a game.
Happy to bring new laptop in to someone who can fix
bring it to me Andy or i will come to you when i've time

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