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Lanarkshire League AGM
The Lanarkshire League AGM will again be held at the Layby Inn , Salsburgh on Wednesday 29th August at 7.30 pm Member clubs have items added to the Agenda by contacting me Topics discussed will include changing the time control to 75 minutes per player per game
Why do we want to change time controls ? In the Glasgow League it was changed from 30 in 60 + 15 to all in 75.
because most clubs use digital clocks which can go wrong. One time control means you can visually see the time control counting down without worrying about what happens at the first time control, for example does the time add on automatically or does it wait until one player has reduced to zero. It should also eliminate faulty clocks. I had one at a recent event where my increment was wrong even though it was set up correctly and it put both myself and my opponent completely off. I also have a friend from East Kilbride which has had to experience fauly digital clocks on at least three occasions. The new controls are essentially the same length of time , the only difference being one time control session as opposed to two.
                       of the
Wednesday 29th August at 7.30pm.
The Layby Pub, Salsburgh
  1.  Minutes of the Previous AGM and matters arising.
  2.  Apologies
  3.  President’s Address.
  4.  Secretary’s Report.
  5.  Treasurer‘s Report
  6.  League Controller’s Report.
  7.  Presentation of Prizes and Trophies.
  8.  Election of Office Bearers and Management Committee.
  9.  Appointment of an Auditor.
  10.  Time control discussion- proposal by Mann Comm for 75 minutes per player per game
      11.     Conclusion of Meeting

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