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Scottish National Online Chess League (SNOCL)
Hi Guys
just to elaborate on the calendar entry , each team will consist on five players. Please contact Ian Brownlee for further details. The tournament is being run by the newly formed Scottish Online Chess Organisation (SOCO) and we also hope to run other team events shortly. We will also offer leagues and clubs the same facilities , including our website , very kindly set up by Malcolm Peacock and the ECF to which we are deeply indebted to.

Rules can be be viewed below. We have already had a lot of interest and will be publishing the web site in the next few days. If anyone would like to come aboard the committee, please let me know.

“The Scottish Online Chess League (SNOCL) , under the auspices of the Scottish Online Chess Organisation (SOCO) will start on Sunday 31st January 2021. It is envisaged that six rounds will take place, two rounds per day although this may change according to number of entries. The first round is expected to start at 11.00am and the second round at 2.00 pm. Entries and any enquires to be sent to   Tel. no 07899 832770 . Teams Captains will be expected to compile teams sheets including usernames and actual names.
  1. Chief Arbiter will be John McNicoll, who is responsible for all decisions regarding game play

  2. Tournament Director Will be Ian Brownlee who is responsible for all admin.

  3. Time controls 25 minutes plus 10 second increments

  4. Team captains will compile their teams and send list of players and usernames to Ian Brownlee

  5. Games will primarily be played on although lichess can be used by mutual consent of both clubs for that round

  6. Games will be subject to fair play screening and Chess Scotland policy. However games will only be graded by the online game provider and will NOT be submitted for grading by CS.

  7. Players will be required to have valid online chess accounts, probably so there is a requirement for each player to have a account

  8. Game disconnection will count as a loss, unless a substantial appeal can be made  to the  Chief Arbiter who will attempt to resolve any issues, which may include the formation of an appeals committee.

  9. The tournament will be organised by the Scottish Online Chess Organisation (SOCO).

  10. There will be nominal prizes such as trophies (and kudos)

  11. SOCO will provide a website where it will be possible to pick teams, view results etc. Team captains will have access to this site for admin and will be able to view the opponents team before the match commences (at the time of writing one hour before match commences but this may change

  12. SOCO reserves the right to make any changes to these rules, before and during the tournament. The chief arbiter also has the right to make operational changes

  13. Entry team per team is £15. Clubs who are also members of Chess Scotland can enjoy a £5 discount per team. Similarly are leagues who submit teams and are themselves members of Chess Scotland can also receive a £5 discount. This is a substantial incentive to regional chess league as we are planning to start an inter-regional chess league if there is enough interest.

  14. Finally we are hoping to have a junior section to the SNOCL if there is enough interest. Juniors would be able to play in both sections if desired.
I've been asked to clarify that there will be two rounds played on the last sunday in January , February and March 2021
Can all team captains please note the following.
1. Team captains and secretaries , who they are and contact details including email address. A telephone number would also help
2. Players details, comprising, name, username and contact details for them to contact their opponent. The system currently requires to contact their opponent
3. Player PNUM’s would also be good to eliminate error.
4. Finally, today I am creating a club called SOCO and each player has to be a member there as soon as possible
Teams already entered either provisionally or formally so far

Ardrossan x 1
Ayrshire Chess Association ?
Bearsden x 1
Bellshill/Lanarkshire ?
Bon Accord (1 or 2)
Dunbar x 1 (The Sneaky Stalematers)
Dundee City x 4
East Kilbride ?
Edinburgh Chess Club (1 or 2)
Edinburgh Uni x 3
Glasgow Polytechnic x 2
Hamilton 1
Kilmarnock ?
Lenzie ?
Pentland Hills x 1
Prestwick 1
Phones ?
Stepps x 1
? indicates either to confirm or undecided no of teams.
Final composition of divisions will be determined after 24th January
I've been asked about methods of payment. Please send cheques (£15 per team with £10 per team for chess Scotland club members) payable to Chess Scotland to
Ian Brownlee, 48 Charles Crecents, Carluke, South Lanarkshire, Scotland ML8 4NG . If any anyone would prefer an alternative method of payment, please contact me

I'll either forward cheques to David Congalton or send a cheque myself if anyone prefers an alternative means of payment.
can all players intending to play in the SNOCn please register online (with their account ) with the SOCO club and send me ( their actual name, PNUM, club/eam and username at This is for admin purposes and to help captains/secretaries and John McNicoll (chief arbiter)
Latest update on entries
Ardrossan x 1

Bearsden x 1
Bellshill/Lanarkshire ?
Bon Accord (1 or 2)
Dunbar x 1 (The Sneaky Stalematers)
Dundee City x5

Edinburgh Chess Club (1 or 2)
Edinburgh Uni x 3
Glasgow Polytechnic x 2 (maybe a third team)
Hamilton 1

Lenzie 1
Oban x 1
Pentland Hills x 1
Prestwick 1
Phones 1
Stepps x 1
? indicates either to confirm or undecided no of teams.
we need the following from each club
1. no of teams
2. contact details for each team
3. Each player name, PNUM (if available, username
4. Each player for administrative purposes should register on the club "SOCO" on and then either the player and/or captain/secretary should let me know.
Final composition of divisions will be determined after 24th January
all team captains and organisers please note entries close tomorrow at 2.00 pm.
Latest update on entries
Ardrossan x 1
Bearsden x 1
Bellshill/Lanarkshire ?
Bon Accord 2
Carrbridge x 1
CS Bos x 2
Dunbar x 1 (The Sneaky Stalematers)
Dundee City x 5
Edinburgh Chess Club 2
Edinburgh Uni x 3
Glasgow Polytechnic x 2 (maybe a third team)
Hamilton 1
Lenzie x 3
Oban x 1
Pentland Hills x 1
Prestwick 1
Phones 1
Sandy Bells x 1
Stepps x 1
? indicates either to confirm or undecided no of teams.
we need the following from each club
1. no of teams
2. contact details for each team
3. Each player name, PNUM (if available, username
4. Each player for administrative purposes PLEASE register on the club "SOCO" on and then either the player and/or captain/secretary should let me know.

We need teams sheets asap so so can set up our website
We also intend to show organisers and captains to to use the League Management System both for SOCO's tournaments and for any league or club who wishes to use it for their own tournaments.

Again many thanks for the flowing:
Andy Howie for his help in setting this up, without the LMS , the admin would have been more difficult and the potential is that any organisation can use this software for their own tournaments, as well as SOCO's
The English Chess Federation, and in particular Malcolm Peacock for the software donation and help for setting up the LMS system for SOCO
The SOCO committee for their continuing team for making this happen
There are now 26 clubs entered. I would have liked 30 to keep the numbers right but its still a fantastic effort, thank you all.

All the club contacts will now be contacted for a captains/organisers meeting, primarily so that everyone knows what to do and also to introduce to the LMS for this and other tournaments. Anyone who wont be abe to attend will get email instructions from either myself and/or Willie Hulme and the Chief arbiter , John McNicoll. If there are any last minute entries, please let me know
Hi Guys
entries now closed at 30 teams, we have 5 divisions of 6 teams. Thanks to all who entered. Team captains will be notified asap regarding teams and procedures.

There will be a zoom meeting for all interested parties. I'll send the zoom details to team captains and I'll pose a link here also, meeting will be this Thursday at 7.00 PM. We'll also send procedural details regarding the tournament to all club secretaries. If anyone wishes to be invited directly , please email me at

methods of payment:
There are two methods of payment

1. Make a cheque payable to chess scotland and address it to
Ian Brownlee
48 Charles Crecent
South Lanarkshire
Scotland ML8 4NG

2. If using bacs then use my bank account as follows. Make the ref “ name of club: SNOCL) and send me a followup email indicating you have completed your payment.

Sort code 83-16-28
Account: 00115431
Royal bank of Scotland, I Clyde Street , Carluke

I will acknowledge payment by email either way

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