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UK Schools - Last 16
James Gillespies will be competing next Thursday (22nd) in the last 16 (or Rd 1 of the National stage - but the former sounds better) of the UK Schools event against Nottingham High School. The match will be played in York, which while significantly closer in miles to Nottingham is only slightly further in traveling time: highlights a major issue with public transport!

Based on the evidence of the ECF grading database, we may have a small grading advantage on the top three boards but a (larger) disadvantage on the bottom three - so almost any result is possible.
Good luck! =)

This looks a great match! Is Hugh going with the team again? A nice article surely for the CS magazine,

Am doing the trip this time.
Forgot to give the team:-
Jonny S.
Shivan M.
Sam G.
Jamie U.
Captiva M.
Rishi P.

Worth noting that the one player with 1 100% record over last year and this is.... Rishi!

Will be tweeting during trip on/at jghschess (never tweeted before so just really a test run).
Match going on now - Mike's posting updates on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="!/jghschess">!/jghschess</a><!-- m -->.

1/2-1/2 after one game finishing so far, Jamie Underwood with a good draw.
jamie u has drawn on bd4 Sam's opponent just won exchange but leaves two great bishops
jonny bd1 is doing well as he has trapped the enemy king incenter
shivan an edge? captiva equal
great win for jonny in 23 moves as black with nice rook sac for mate vs london system
unfortunately rishi lost his 100% score gi ving a match score of 1.5 each
London System. Dreadful opening...
captiva got solid draw and shivan's opponent resigned too early. sam struggling on but has secured draw
final result 3.5 - 2.5 to jghs!
Brilliant. Congratulations to the team, and a safe journey back up.

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