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Richardson and Spens Cups
All I would add is that the forum is the only way for some members to either engage or ask questions. Lack of clarity or confusion is the problem here. For some of us clarity via the forum is the best or only way. My question regarding the AGM directors reports has not been answered and the silence is deafening!
I must concur with Jim here, what is the problem with the forum clarifying the position here? Surely it cant be a problem discussing any issues here. Personally I have an issue with the lack of respect shown to previous CS Presidents . I may not agree with all of Jim's comments but I still respect his position and certainly respect his past and present achievements. Andy is right on one point in that necks need to be reeled in on both sides of the argument. I certainly think this could have been handled better and with greater transparency (always lacking where CS is concerned). Instead of being confrontational, listen to what Jim is saying. I must admit, I'm torn between renewing my membership until the next AGM or letting it lapse and give up. I know I'm not the only one to consider this either. What a depressing state of affairs
I too believe in asking things by using the forum, but there is a way to ask and assuming that rules have been broken is not the way to do it!  In this case a simple question "Why have Edinburgh been allowed to enter?" would have sufficed without causing offence.  Also questions can be asked privately and answers posted on the forum.

A forum can be good for an organisation when it is used well, but can cause immeasurable harm when used irresponsibly. Aa an example, a potential sponsor has withdrawn from discussion quoting the ''toxic nature' of our Forum as the main reason for doing so

If the criticism was coming from a variety of members, I might have a lot more sympathy but it appears that only two people are constantly finding fault.  

I invite other members to offer their opinions on whether the forum is being used in the correct way.
if i am the other person you talk about then fine. As I've said before apathy is king here.
Be careful what you wish for , you may get it
What I dont get is two different people with different questions or criticisms are tagged together as trouble makers. The point of the forum is to raise questions and awareness, assuming I am the other person you are referring to and I take offence at that slur. Jim and I disagree on a lot of things both now and in the past but we both agree the forum is the of addressing issues we both see.
(10-02-2025, 08:39 PM)Alex Wrote: I invite other members to offer their opinions on whether the forum is being used in the correct way.

Okay, I'll bite. In my opinion:

It was entirely appropriate to raise this issue on the CS noticeboard.

The tone of the original message was, however, highly inappropriate.

This thread could have consisted of two posts: a polite request for clarity and a polite response giving that clarity.
It also shouldn't have to be explained that asking someone to be polite is not the same as telling them to be silent.

Nobody's perfect in their online communication, certainly not me, but I do feel that there is too much abrasive posting on this board.
(10-02-2025, 08:39 PM)Alex McFarlane Wrote: A forum can be good for an organisation when it is used well, but can cause immeasurable harm when used irresponsibly.  Aa an example, a potential sponsor has withdrawn from discussion quoting the ''toxic nature' of our Forum as the main reason for doing so

I think this says a lot. I'd also agree with Bob on "too much abrasive posting", it's reached a point where I've generally given up posting any views. Maybe it's time to archive the forum and start again, as happened previously.

However, let's try one last time:

(09-02-2025, 09:34 PM)Ianbrownlee Wrote: FIDE and venue fees would contribute to the cost of running these tournaments so maybe a rethink is required. If club membership is not a condition of entry, then maybe more clubs would enter. Consider the low numbers of entering these CS club tournaments against the rampant success of the SNCL and maybe ask Glynis how to reinvigorate our national club tournaments!

I think this is worth discussion, and the question we should be discussing is how can we go about growing the event (particularly the Richardson) again. For me, the Richardson is very much our premier team event and should always remain that, but being down to just 6 entries this year is a worrying sign, especially with no Poly, Dragons or Hamilton - pre COVID that would be unthinkable. Just looking at the Glasgow League alone, there are 10 teams in the top division putting out 8 players weekly. This has included multiple titled players that we likely won't see in the Richardson this year.

My best guess is that venue hire is the biggest sticking point for a lot of clubs. It's not easy to get venues at weekends on relatively short notice. Maybe that is in part why the SNCL is so popular with clubs? I think it's definitely worth polling the SNCL teams, league clubs, or indeed anyone on the noticeboard what's stopping their involvement. That doesn't mean necessarily going with the popular vote ahead of keeping it our highest team prize (for example FIDE rating the event has to be a good thing, and 8 player teams is part of the tradition and point), but it would be good to try and identify the blockers and see what can be done.
(10-02-2025, 08:39 PM)Alex McFarlane Wrote: I too believe in asking things by using the forum, but there is a way to ask and assuming that rules have been broken is not the way to do it!  In this case a simple question "Why have Edinburgh been allowed to enter?" would have sufficed without causing offence.  Also questions can be asked privately and answers posted on the forum.

A forum can be good for an organisation when it is used well, but can cause immeasurable harm when used irresponsibly.  Aa an example, a potential sponsor has withdrawn from discussion quoting the ''toxic nature' of our Forum as the main reason for doing so

If the criticism was coming from a variety of members, I might have a lot more sympathy but it appears that only two people are constantly finding fault.  

I invite other members to offer their opinions on whether the forum is being used in the correct way.
I think there is a misunderstanding. Jim and others Edinburgh met the deadline for payment of dues I agreed with Karen H. Why this was not noted by CS is not known to me.
Raj B (President of ECC)

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