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British Chess Championships
Hi All,
After working at The 4NCL this weekend I realised how many of our titled players want to but just cannot afford to spend 2 weeks playing away from home at The British Championships.

To make the tournament successful we need as many titled players as possible - everyone there (and all over the world) wants to see their favourite players playing. Without titled players you cannot make new titled players. Without titled players we don't get the hits on the website to watch the live games - which, in turn, may encourage a sponsor for future years.

Will someone out there sponsor their favourite player to play this year? Either by donating direct to the player or to me and specifying which GM, IM, WGM or WIM they would like to see at the event?

£100 would pay someone's travel
£250 would be reasonable start money for someone who is able to stay with a friend
£500 is roughly the cost of reasonable B&B accommodation in North Tyneside for 2 weeks
£1000 would get really good conditions

A huge thank you to the people who have already pledged money for GM accommodation - 3 members of Northumberland Chess Association have pledged £500 each to support the event. Big Grin

As this year's Championships are so close to Scotland (55 miles? - someone correct me) you must all come to play in something.

The weekend congress will be a belter (Open section FIDE rated), both Rapidplays FIDE rated and both have an under 1800 section! FIDE rated morning and afternoon 5 round open events.

All the age groups need potential British Champions! The Under 16 event is FIDE rated.

The social events calendar will be awesome this year. Sandcastle competition on a chess theme, Quiz, Bus tours of the area, Blitz events for both adults and juniors, murder mystery evening, Ceilidh!

I am also hoping to put on a Talent Show ("British Chess has Talent") =o

Free junior coaching every day by top International Master & coach Vaidyanathan Ravikumar and fun coach Nick Nixon! :U

IM Ravi will be also joining the Commentary team with IM Andrew Martin to go over the day's play in the Championship.

More details and online entry at
Any titled players wishing to apply for a contribution towards their accommodation please get in touch

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