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World Youth-an appeal to members
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We feel that we have a very talented and rapidly improving Scottish junior squad at the moment. For the World Youth in November we have eleven players selected so far but there is likely to be more travelling. Alan Tate will not be able to coach this number of juniors properly, I myself have serious limitations at this level and most of our juniors are improving so quickly, I would be hard pushed to help them much anyway. Basically we need a second quality coach if we are to support this squad properly. The IJD budget has not the funds to support this and I am seeking donations to this very deserving cause. If you click on the link above it will take you to a site where we can claim back the tax on your donation for Gift Aid. Effectively for every £4 you donate, it becomes five. If we are to continue to maintain Scottish junior progress, we need your support,

Thank you

To be clear about this, the trustees of the Scottish Junior Chess Association Educational Trust have agreed that funds raised for the purpose outlined by Robin meet the criteria authorised for charitable fundraising through the trust by the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR). We have therefore authorised the BTMYDonate page Robin provides a link to to be used for this purpose.

Please also note (and this is very important), any donor who wishes to Giftaid their donation must be a current taxpayer and must fill in the minimal (but essential) detail required, as advised by HMRC, so that BYMyDonate can collect any Giftaid. Without that no Giftaid can either be claimed or collected and donations will go through without it.

The trustees have recently set up this BTMyDonate facility as an efficient way for donors to donate funds to the Trust. We can raise funds to improve our general balances or for specific purposes (as long as the latter meet the trust's OSCR approved objectives ... and if in any doubt, ask a trustee first). The trust's website can be accessed either through Robin's link to the (trust's) BTMyDonate page or through the information box at the CS website homepage.
A massive thank you to everyone who has made a donation so far, particularly to the exceptionally generous person who made the latest one,

I am delighted to tell you that Calum MacQueen will be travelling as our second coach if we can raise enough funding. If you wish to see a coaching team of Alan Tate and Calum supporting our juniors at this top event, please consider donating to the gift aid link above. A big thank you once again to everyone who has made a donation so far,

With 86 days to go before the start of the World Youth, I'd just like to bring this appeal back to the attention of all who read the forum.

This is the pinnacle of junior chess and it would be great to see our kids produce performances that will cause excitement, act as a catalyst for junior chess in Scotland to flourish and as a consequence increase the number of chess players playing in the future.

Sending the best support group that we can to assist our juniors has to be beneficial.

Donations, no matter how small, are all greatly appreciated. Individuals can boost their donation by agreeing to gift aid.
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I would like to thank everyone who has made a donation to this appeal already. Every donation will help us provide the best coaching we can for all our juniors at the World youth. Please try and contribute to this very worthy cause. Only just over six weeks to go!

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It's maybe worth repeating the link to the SJCA Educational trust mydonate page (above and at the first message on this thread) and to stress the value of the giftaid available through using this charitable giving route - of the total £638 raised so far, that amount includes comfortably over £100 courtesy of the taxman!

The trust's MyDonate page can also be reached via the link to the Trust's website at the CS website homepage.

Thanks to all who have so far donated to the appeal, all of which goes via ChessScotland to the junior international purpose described.
the budget is there for a reason and we should be restricted by it. i know that this is shameful but by putting out a begging bowl we are missing the real issue. That is junior chess is seriously underfunded. there are only so many times we can rely on generosity of the general chess public so this tactic will only take the juniors so far. what is required is a longer term solution. i do not know what this solution would be but i do know that Robin's appeal, no matter how well intended, is not the way ahead.
Patrick McGovern Wrote:the budget is there for a reason and we should be restricted by it.

Absolutely not. If fundraising by whatever means can get more cash then why not go for it?

Patrick McGovern Wrote:i know that this is shameful but by putting out a begging bowl we are missing the real issue. That is junior chess is seriously underfunded.

I don't believe that the real isue is being missed. We know that there is underfunding and there has been a lot of effort, albeit relatively unsuccessfully so far, to try and address it

Patrick McGovern Wrote:there are only so many times we can rely on generosity of the general chess public so this tactic will only take the juniors so far. what is required is a longer term solution. i do not know what this solution would be but i do know that Robin's appeal, no matter how well intended, is not the way ahead.

Until the solution is found then we will have to continue with efforts like Robin's appeal and a big thanks to him, the SJCAET and everyone who has contributed.

Thank you for your support for this appeal. A massive thank you for the most recent donation. We had a very successful junior performance at the Lothians congress, particularly in the minor, plus an incredible result from Declan Shafi in the major. Please keep supporting our junior players, it is very much appreciated.


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