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Scottish Championships
In an ideal world we would have our top 10 GMs playing in an all play all Championship with our other GMs playing in the Open tournament below it.

We don't live in an ideal world so some compromises have to be made.

I can easily understand why people would want only those registered as SCO being able to win the title. Unfortunately FIDE regulations mean that it can be a costly exercise to change Fecerations, and the stronger the player the more expensive it is. Also, having non-SCO players can make it easier for others to achieve titles.

Let us suppose that GM Angus McCarlson has been living in Scotland for several years and is a regular competitor on the congress scene. He has also helped younger players obtain norms by being one of the needed foreign players in norm events held here and has perhaps even offered coaching sessions.

Would it be fair to prevent this player from winning the Championship until they had (a) paid FIDE several hundred (perhaps thousand) euros to change federation and (b) made it more difficult for organisers to run title norm events for up and coming SCO players as they will now have to import another foreign player to their event.

Such a player, if they existed, would be more of an advantage to the Scottish Chess playing community as NOR than they would as SCO.

Simply, if there is to be a regulation put in place to allow only SCO players to win the title it must be worded in such a way as to allow for exceptions. I do not see the sense in regulations which mean that you cut off your nose to spite your face.

As ludicrous as it sounds there are cases where you could be considered more Scottish by not being Scottish!!
Alex McFarlane Wrote:Let us suppose that GM Angus McCarlson has been living in Scotland for several years and is a regular competitor on the congress scene.

That would be a brilliant but is pretty far from reality - unfortunately.
By my reckoning, we had one resident GM play one Congresss last season. (I'm only counting weekenders not including the Scottish or the Blitz. Sorry to Alex and Johnathan respectively ;P - both excellent tournaments!)

It is for others to judge whether that is right or not.

On the positive side, I must tip my hat to Stephen Burns-Mannion who plays almost every Congress on the calendar and if I were to vote for a player of the year (which I never do) he would get my vote.

How about we stipulate that in order to be Scottish Champion you have to have played in two or three Congresses in Scotland that season? =| Just a thought...
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
Does the title of "Scottish Champion" relly even exist anymore? I would argue that the title has become so de-valued under the current format as to render it meaningless.

For example, our current Scottish champion played only TWO other Scots in 9 rounds.

There are clearly advantages to the current format, but producing a Scottish Champion is not one of them ;P
Simple wording :
"If a player has an ELO-rating with a country other than SCO then they are not eligible to be Scottish Champion" - proposed A Muir, seconded A Burnett
In fictitional case that Magnus Carlsen lives in Scotland with ELO code NOR he is eligible to be Norwegian champion, not Scottish champion.
Andrew Greet wishes to change his code from ENG to SCO so he is safe under the new rules and might play in Olympiad team later.
If it's in Helensburgh next year, count me in as an entrant now
Quote:How about we stipulate that in order to be Scottish Champion you have to have played in two or three Congresses in Scotland that season?

If Carlsberg did Chess Dictatorships then this would be it!! I've not heard such a daft idea for such a long time, in fact it's so silly David must have had tongue firmly in cheek. =o
Patrick McGovern Wrote:If Carlsberg did Chess Dictatorships then this would be it!! I've not heard such a daft idea for such a long time, in fact it's so silly David must have had tongue firmly in cheek. =o

I was trying to bait someone but you've ruined it now. I'm no good at fishing anyways. ;P
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!

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