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Some Endgame !!
[pgn][FEN "8/8/3N4/k2N1p2/3p4/8/8/2K5 w - - 0 1" ][/pgn]

This is an intereseting endgame I came across. Magnus "the great" shows how to win this one 8)

The link below takes you to the moves and some expert GM analysis
Nice to see a post about chess on a chess noticeboard!
You can practice this kind of endgame on this link
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ations.php</a><!-- m -->

I'm sure that I heard that GM Colin Mcnab won this endgame a few years back (although that might be me misremembering )
I may be misremembering also, but I think his opponent's (John Shaw?) flag fell and Colin was awarded a win as he could demonstrate that the remaining pawn was within the 'Troitzy line' which allows the 2 knights to force a win?!
What I liked about this version was the pretty extensive analysis. Well worth playing over -- slowly

Mueller is a well known endgame expert

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