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ECF Secondary School Event
Been advised of an event in Grantham for secondary schools.

ECF Secondary School Rapidplay Chess Tournament

Venue: The King’s School, Brook Street, Grantham, NG31 6RP. Play in the main School Hall, team rooms in the Tower Block

Time: Registration from 10.15am (Tower Block Foyer), play starts 11am, finishes about 5pm

Event Format: 5 round Swiss rapid play tournament. Chess clocks will be used in all games, 25 minutes for all moves. With digital clocks: all moves in 20 minutes + 5 sec/move. All games will be ECF graded

Teams: Teams will consist of 4 players in school years 7 to 13. Schools can enter one or two teams. We have space for a maximum of 24 teams, allocated in order of application

Cost: Free

We will need some schools to bring chess equipment. Please let me know if you can. We are very grateful to The King’s School for providing their facilities free of charge. We expect all teams to treat the buildings with respect, in particular leaving the team rooms in the condition they were on arrival. Please bring a packed lunch – although ASDA and Grantham town centre are a few minutes walk. If you have any queries please feel free to contact me.

- Phillip Beckett Email: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

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