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Feedback Requested
Evening All,

Looking for feedback on the new board.

I am still learning about the interface so you may see things change as I play about. Don't be alarmed. I am intrigued that we can now embed flash and wonder if I can abuse this with the live boards...
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
I am not convinced attempting to move posts after the fact is going to be a good plan :\
Carl Hibbard
Difficult to really give particularly detailed feedback as yet - has anybody got a controversial opinion that they want to discuss?
It seems fine - I mean, it's a noticeboard, it looks moderately similar to the old one (so there aren't any of the concerns associated with the last move), most of the buttons seem to be in roughly the same place... From what you're saying and what I can see, it sounds like it'll mostly just be you and Andrew who have to deal with change, while the rest of us can just glory in the fact that the server's probably going to be quicker and we'll have a slightly different set of smiles to largely ignore.
Edit: 'post' function seems to be working properly as well.
Edit 2: Though 'Wilhem' Steinitz is missing an L.
Preferred the old board, but that's probably because I was used to it, after a few weeks we will all get used to it. If it is going to be faster then the change will be worth it.

I do think changing boards before the old posts could be imported was a mistake though, all the old content has now been forgotten and there were some good topics going on.
I assume that Wilhelm Steinitz (yes, two ls) is the equivalent of "Pawn" on the old board, and that the race is now on to see who will be the first to be Vishy Anand - my money at the moment is on David Congalton or David Deary, but that may change when Geoff Chandler finds his way onto here.
Donald Wilson Wrote:I assume that Wilhelm Steinitz (yes, two ls) is the equivalent of "Pawn" on the old board, and that the race is now on to see who will be the first to be Vishy Anand

"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Donald Wilson Wrote:I assume that Wilhelm Steinitz (yes, two ls) is the equivalent of "Pawn" on the old board, and that the race is now on to see who will be the first to be Vishy Anand - my money at the moment is on David Congalton or David Deary, but that may change when Geoff Chandler finds his way onto here.

I'm here at last. Let the race begin...

I think I prefer this board to the old one - the other board was beginning to look a bit tired and I prefer the bar at the top with your messages/login etc. The only downside is that I was so close to 100 posts on the other board.

I'm liking the smilies: Big Grin =| 8) Sad Tongue :U :\ Sad ;| =) =o ;P << Are there only 10 smilies though? :\

Edit to add: How do I get my picture of Optimus Prime back? I looked through the options in the user control panel but couldn't find it. Thanks.
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
I like this board considerably more than the old board but I did prefer the 'old' old board. The stepped lines and non chronological order to the replys was easy to scroll through. Will this board be easier to alter to the will of the users! What was the reason again we dropped the original board?
David: Andy is going to add more smileys to the board when he gets time. We can have as many as we want. =)

Ian: You can filter through the posts on this forum using the filters at the bottom. This way you can show them alphabetically and whatnot, if you prefer. Big Grin

Hugh + Others: Other reasons for switching, apart from it being a bit quicker, are that I will, at some stage in the future, be able to add features such that we can add games to forum posts, and that sort of thing. Impossible on the old forum. 8)
I just realised how you add an avatar picture. Was that definitely in the User Control Panel earlier? If so I must have been very thick.

On a positive note - Optimus Prime is back >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!

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