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It means that Chris won because Graeme didn't turn up. d means defaut
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
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Provisional Round 3 Draw available here
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"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
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I will have to put the round 4 draw on here maunally later. Had a wee accident with my laptop. Battery recharge circuit blew
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
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Round 4
Board Name Club Score Grade Result Name Club Score Grade
1 Jimmy Doyle Shettleston 3 1924 - Alan Jelfs East Kilbride 3 1858
2 Wiliam Hulme Shettleston 2.5 1896 - Frankie Murray East Kilbride 2.5 1741
3 Joe Weir Glasgow Montrose 2 1412 - Phil Thomas East Kilbride 2 1858
4 Jim Robertson East Kilbride 2 1573 - Graeme Dobbie East Kilbride 2 1805
5 Ian Brownlee Lanark 2 1746 - Chris Perkin Glasgow Montrose 2 1535
6 Daniel Breslin Polytechnic 2 1371 - Daniel Thomas East Kilbride 2 1741
7 Jim Smalls Lanark 2 1707 - Jim Johnston East Kilbride 2 1332
8 John McIntyre Phones 2 1678 - David Potts Bellshill 1.5 1519
9 Graeme Nolan Shettleston 1.5 2135 - Lawrence Freel Hamilton 1.5 1382
10 Tony Dunlop East Kilbride 1.5 1681 - Jim Frame Hamilton 1.5 1197
11 Mike Mitchell Giffnock 1.5 1555 - Morven Petrie Hamilton 1.5 751
12 Biju Jose East Kilbride 1.5 1166 Lennart Koehn East Kilbride 1.5 1652
13 Andrew McCusker Hamilton 1 1619 Gerry Paterson Hamilton 1.5 1450
14 John Nicol Lanark 1 1371 - Bernard Airlie Lanark 1 1128
15 Stewart McKay East Kilbride 1 1326 - Lewis Barclay East Kilbride 1 599
16 Derek Howie East Kilbride 1 1175 - Bill Perrie Hamilton 1 985
17 Lauren Hulme Hamilton 1 664 - Andy McCulloch Giffnock 1 1139
18 Robbie Panton Hamilton 1 1133 - Alasdair Macgregor East Kilbride 0.5 1077
19 Robert Grimwood Phones 0.5 0 - Kirsty McCusker Hamilton 0.5 910
20 Ross Mullen Giffnock 0 661 - Ethan Palmer East Kilbride 0 450
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
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Andy, I'm on 3 points, not 2.5.
Sorry if that upsets the draw.
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine
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Cheers Alan,
I had to use my phone and mispasted! Corrected now
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
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Provisional Last round draw
1 Phil Thomas East Kilbride 3 1858 - Jimmy Doyle Shettleston 4 1924
2 Daniel Thomas East Kilbride 3 1741 - Wiliam Hulme Shettleston 3 1896
3 Alan Jelfs East Kilbride 3 1858 - Jim Smalls Lanark 3 1707
4 Frankie Murray East Kilbride 3 1741 - Graeme Dobbie East Kilbride 3 1805
5 Duncan McDonald East Kilbride 3 1555 - Ian Brownlee Lanark 3 1746
6 Lennart Koehn East Kilbride 2.5 1652 - Graeme Nolan Shettleston 2.5 2135
7 John McIntyre Phones 2.5 1678 - Tom Brisbane East Kilbride 2.5 1565
8 Tony Dunlop East Kilbride 2 1681 - Andrew McCusker Hamilton 2.5 1619
9 John Nicol Lanark 2 1371 - Paul MacDonald Greenwood 2 1855
10 Daniel Breslin Polytechnic 2 1371 - Jim Robertson East Kilbride 2 1573
11 Chris Perkin Glasgow Montrose 2 1535 - Jim Johnston East Kilbride 2 1335
12 David Potts Bellshill 2 1519 - Stewart McKay East Kilbride 2 1326
13 Gerry Paterson Hamilton 2 1450 - Andy McCulloch Giffnock 2 1139
14 Jim Frame Hamilton 2 1197 - Joe Weir Glasgow Montrose 2 1412
15 Bill Perrie Hamilton 1.5 985 - Stewart Gray East Kilbride 1.5 1400
16 Lawrence Freel Hamilton 1.5 1382 - Biju Jose East Kilbride 1.5 1166
17 James Drummond Hamilton 1.5 1175 - Morven Petrie Hamilton 1.5 751
18 Alasdair Macgregor East Kilbride 1.5 1077 - Derek Howie East Kilbride 1.5 1175
19 Lewis Barclay East Kilbride 1 599 - Robbie Panton Hamilton 1 1133
20 Bernard Airlie Lanark 1 1128 - Robert Grimwood Phones 1 0
21 Kirsty McCusker Hamilton 1 910 - Ethan Palmer East Kilbride 1 450
22 Ross Mullen Giffnock 0.5 661 - Lauren Hulme Hamilton 1 664
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
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"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
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Joined: Aug 2011
Isn't that typical. You wait years for an East Kilbride player to finish first.......... and then 3 come along at once. =) =) =)