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Inverness Chess Congress
Inverness Chess Congress
Friday, 6th to Sunday, 8th September 2013
Chieftain Hotel, 2 Millburn Road, Inverness, IV2 3PS

I am delighted to announce that a new weekend congress will be held in Inverness in September.

The number of entrants will be limited and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Players whose entries are received after the maximum capacity has been reached will not be accepted but may be offered a place on a reserve list should anyone withdraw.

The best way to make sure you’re among the entrants is to enter early. Don't put off until tomorrow...

The venue will be the Chieftain Hotel which has been a long term supporter of Inverness Chess Club.

The Chieftain Hotel is the preferred congress accommodation partner and has kindly agreed to offer special room rates to those attending the congress. The special rates can only be obtained by telephoning the hotel direct and are not available to book online. The number of rooms is limited so it would be a good idea to contact the hotel early, before the tourists book all the rooms. When contacting the hotel, tell them you are playing in the September chess tournament to ensure you are quoted the preferential rates.

Information on the hotel can be found at

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There is plenty of accommodation in Inverness but there is a music festival taking place in the city during the congress weekend so again early booking of accommodation is advisable.

The planning for the congress is at an early stage but more details will be available shortly. Although things could change to try to make the congress work successfully, early plans are –
  • • Incremental time control
    • 7pm start on the Friday
    • 10am start on the Saturday
    • 9.30am start on the Sunday to allow a 6pm finish for those travelling by train. The last train from Inverness to Edinburgh/Glasgow leaves at 18:51
    • Three sections – Open, Major (Under 1850) and Minor (Under 1450)
The congress will run along similar lines to most weekend congresses in Scotland and entry fees etc will be around the usual sums.

Entries will be accepted from today and regular updates will appear on the Ness Chess congress website which will be live soon, details of which will be posted on the calendar and forum pages of the Chess Scotland website.

Kind Regards

David Congalton
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Entry wll be limited to 118 players. If the entry limit is reached, further applicants will be notified & placed on a reserve list if they wish.


Special room rates for the tournament are available at the Chieftain Hotel, when quoting chess tournament and booking by telephone. Tel. – 01463 232241. The hotel has a limited number of rooms at these rates.

Prices per room

Single Room with breakfast - £55 per night
Twin/Double Room with breakfast - £65 per night

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Entry Form, website, how to enter and further details coming soon.
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Entry form now available via the CS calendar entry, for the Inverness Chess Congress.
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Website now and up and running for the Inverness Congress.

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Megabus has some good prices on offer from Edinburgh and Glasgow. £6.50 return plus 50p booking fee.

Alternative accommodation to the venue (which is good value) can be found at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";dcid=1;checkin_monthday=6;checkin_year_month=2013-9;checkout_monthday=8;checkout_year_month=2013-9;class_interval=1;csflt=%7B%7D;dest_id=-2599537;dest_type=city;inac=0;interval_of_time=undef;redirected_from_city=0;redirected_from_landmark=0;review_score_group=empty;si=ai%2Cco%2Cci%2Cre%2Cdi;ss=Inverness;ss_all=0;ssb=empty;order=price"> ... rder=price</a><!-- m -->


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... GBP#krgjsk</a><!-- m -->

Early booking of travel, accommodation and early entry to the event is advised, to avoid disappointment.
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The first ever Inverness Congress is not too far away. Places are limited and filling up.

I am hopeful the live boards will be there and that this new congress will get the support needed to make it an annual event on the calendar.

<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> for entry form and information.
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Accommodation is filling up. My spies in Inverness have sent the following TOP SECRET report, for chess players eyes only.

Quote:In the meantime was round the b& b's near to Chieftain this morning and came up with the following.

Gotta say, to my mind, the Hostel looks the best bet for anyone not yet booked...just dunno how quiet it'd be at night. It's clean, airy and pretty spacious...AND a two minute walk from Chieftain.

Chieftain Hotel (where Congress takes place)

Nothing left Fri night

Only 2x doubles on Sat 7th left…….£65 for room

Dell House (3 houses along from Chieftain) Phone Ian on 01463 232879, 8 Millburn Road, Inverness

2x twin …£50

2x double £50

1x single £30

All avail both nights BUT no brekkie

I'm sure the Chieftain will do breakfast at a reasonable rate for anyone booking room only. Having seen the size of the Chieftain lunch burgers players may need a little bit of extra room during matches.

Back to the intelligence briefing. 8)

Quote:Royston Guest House, 16 Millburn Road, Inverness 01463 231243
1x double…£95

1x Family…£125

1x Single…£60

Youth Hostel, Inverness….. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.
Tel - 01463 231771
3 minutes walk from Chieftain

£24 (if not SYA member) £22, if you are

20 free beds left for Sat night…plenty for Friday

In rooms of 4, or 6

Premier Inn , Millburn (just along road) and others are very pricey…lowest £148!

Travelodge, Stoneyfield (nearest to venue…25 min walk)

Only Sat night avail…£64

Travelodge, Fairways (need a car)

£70 Fri night

£37 Sat

Balcroydon B& B

6 Broadstone Park, Inverness IV2 3LA… Angela or Dan on 01463 221506 (20 min walk to venue, or lift can be arranged)

1x family room (1xdoub, 1xsingle)…en suite £100

1x double £66 (shared bathroom)

1x single £35 (shared bathroom)

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Apologies to those who phoned tonight (Friday) and last night I was playing chess, for a change. It's Marymass weekend.

There are still plenty of spaces in the tournaments, 90+. Regardless of the number of entries the event will go ahead but the more the merrier.

The venue accommodation was almost full the last I heard but alternatives have been suggested (see above).

I will probably not be around tomorrow and most of Sunday but will call people back as soon as I have the opportunity.
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Thirty-five entries in total so far.

Best wishes to Robert Rough of Inverness Chess Club, who is currently poorly and was recently admitted as an in-patient at Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. Get well soon, Robert.
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Sylvestrus Ltd Sponsor 1st Inverness Congress

Inverness based woodland management and firewood supplier, Sylvestrus Ltd. has generously agreed to sponsor the 1st Inverness Chess Congress.

The company serves clients throughout the Highlands and Islands as well as Aberdeen and Perthshire and the Borders of Scotland.

Sylvestrus Ltd delivers a full forestry and land based service, providing a range of products to its clients, including firewood sales and preparation.

The Inverness Chess Congress is proud to be associated with such an environmentally friendly company and thanks Sylvestrus Ltd for its support of all the wood pushers who will play in the 1st weekend congress to be held in Inverness.

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Wooden boards and arbiters

With eight live boards and twelve wooden sets, at least a third of the field will have the opportunity to play on superior quality wooden sets during the weekend.

We think the use of the live and the wooden boards adds just a little bit extra to the experience for those taking part, in addition to a hotel venue serving good value food and drink, a location within a short distance of the town centre and in a beautiful, historic part of Scotland.

The arbiters for the tournament will be Fide Arbiter Andy Howie and David Deary, the new home junior director of Chess Scotland.

Total entries currently stands at 37.

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