29-07-2013, 03:00 PM
Hi Alan,
That is what I read in Andy's post as well. He was not having a dig at the kids but the sugar coated posts.
Playing over the games you can see some players were lacking in experience and the losses
are quite instructive. There is things to pick up on.
The lass Lauren Bond had a knack for leaving pieces unprocted thus getting herself in trouble.
Against jessica Wen this appeared.
[pos]r1bqkb1r/p4ppp/1pn1pn2/2p5/2PP4/2N1BN2/PP2BPPP/R2Q1RK1 b kq - 0 9[/pos]
Here as Black she played 9...Ba6 and after 10.Qa4 the double hit on a6 and c6 cost a piece
as White ganged up on the pinned c6 Knight.
(I know what you a re looking at, I've looked, 10...Bc8 11.Qxc6+ Bd7 does not trap the Queen.)
Later when Lauren was White v the same opponent.
[pgn][FEN "r4rk1/1bp2ppp/pp1qpn2/3p4/2PP4/2NBP3/PP3PPP/R2QR1K1 w - - 0 13"]
13. a3 {Now 1...dxc4 2.Bxc4 Qc6 hitting g2 and c4 does not win a piece due to 3.Bf1} 13... Rac8 {A cunning move. White sees the coming c5 as a threat so...} 14. b4 {And now with the Knight on c3 unprotected this works} 14... dxc4 {Lauren spotted the Bxc4 and Qc6 trick (she's learning) and played...} 15. Bc2 {Play continued....} 15... Rfd8 16. b5 e5 {And again the unprotected piece got caught her out.} 17. dxe5 {OOPS!} 17... Qxe5 {The c3 Knight is gone and so was the game. Things to work on wee slack moves that alert players punish. Watch those unprotected pieces} *[/pgn]
Also I understand the squad was lacking some of the more experienced players....
(Strewth you have to pick your words very carefuly when talking about juniors, every word is analysed.)
The good news is when the Scots got lost positions their opponents did not despatch them in
the shortest sharpest manner. They muffled and ruffled about taking technical wins when a quicker kill
was there.
So the other teams are not that far ahead and if their coaches are curbing their squads wee bright
imaginations to take technical 'play safe' wins then we will soon catch up.
(I hope the Welsh coaches leave that Tom Thorpe alone and don't interfere or pass him onto someone
who nows what they are doing and don't coach that spirit out of him.)
That is what I read in Andy's post as well. He was not having a dig at the kids but the sugar coated posts.
Playing over the games you can see some players were lacking in experience and the losses
are quite instructive. There is things to pick up on.
The lass Lauren Bond had a knack for leaving pieces unprocted thus getting herself in trouble.
Against jessica Wen this appeared.
[pos]r1bqkb1r/p4ppp/1pn1pn2/2p5/2PP4/2N1BN2/PP2BPPP/R2Q1RK1 b kq - 0 9[/pos]
Here as Black she played 9...Ba6 and after 10.Qa4 the double hit on a6 and c6 cost a piece
as White ganged up on the pinned c6 Knight.
(I know what you a re looking at, I've looked, 10...Bc8 11.Qxc6+ Bd7 does not trap the Queen.)
Later when Lauren was White v the same opponent.
[pgn][FEN "r4rk1/1bp2ppp/pp1qpn2/3p4/2PP4/2NBP3/PP3PPP/R2QR1K1 w - - 0 13"]
13. a3 {Now 1...dxc4 2.Bxc4 Qc6 hitting g2 and c4 does not win a piece due to 3.Bf1} 13... Rac8 {A cunning move. White sees the coming c5 as a threat so...} 14. b4 {And now with the Knight on c3 unprotected this works} 14... dxc4 {Lauren spotted the Bxc4 and Qc6 trick (she's learning) and played...} 15. Bc2 {Play continued....} 15... Rfd8 16. b5 e5 {And again the unprotected piece got caught her out.} 17. dxe5 {OOPS!} 17... Qxe5 {The c3 Knight is gone and so was the game. Things to work on wee slack moves that alert players punish. Watch those unprotected pieces} *[/pgn]
Also I understand the squad was lacking some of the more experienced players....
(Strewth you have to pick your words very carefuly when talking about juniors, every word is analysed.)
The good news is when the Scots got lost positions their opponents did not despatch them in
the shortest sharpest manner. They muffled and ruffled about taking technical wins when a quicker kill
was there.
So the other teams are not that far ahead and if their coaches are curbing their squads wee bright
imaginations to take technical 'play safe' wins then we will soon catch up.
(I hope the Welsh coaches leave that Tom Thorpe alone and don't interfere or pass him onto someone
who nows what they are doing and don't coach that spirit out of him.)