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Glorney 2013
As stated early Stuart Wynne could not play in the summer because of squad training for volleyball selection. It was worth it, congrats to Stuart who has been selected to go to the international children's games in Canada, and as an added bonus leaves on the 14th August, the day schools go back!!!
Well done Stuart! Also, belated congratulations in being selected to represent Scotland at the Euroyouth in Montenegro in September. Hope you have a great time at both events.
Well done Stuart =)
I have been looking through this thread on my return from the Largs congress.

Now, what I may ask is a wee bit "dodgy". Are we legally allowed to bet on the Glorney 2014 events outcome (as friends)?

Could somebody give us a ruling here? Is this legal ? If legal is it taxable?

If I run a book, all profits (I will happily support the losses) will be contributed to CS junior events in the future. Now I know many of you will be saying that it is wrong to even consider gambling as a way to raise money (especially in junior events) but times are tough just now with the loss of our grant and every fund raising avenue has to be at least considered.

I noted McBookie running a book on the Scottish Lightning.

If this is not legal...fine...let's all try and think of alternative fund raising ideas.

Another possible...

Is there a legal problem running a handicap sweepstake in a congress event?

As an example, take the Major at the Largs congress. I would draw up the handicap. Phil, Joe and Steve would be off scratch, guys like Jack Stewart would get 2 of a start.

Everyone could pick a player pre event with say 70% being paid out to the winner, the remaining 30% paid to CS junior funds.
I don't think gambling on the junior events would be a good idea. It adds extra pressure on the players that they probably don't want or need.

Fair point and agreed. What about the sweepstake idea at congresses?
Hi Robin,

Setting aside the 'moral' aspects of gambling/junior involvement/etc....the idea of running a book is almost certainly illegal. A sweepstake however, isn't necessarily out of the this for starters.
Thanks Andy, very helpful. Do you feel the section below is the one that would apply to this idea?

"I am a member of a private members club that would like to raise funds for the club by holding a themed sweepstake. The sweepstake would only be open to members of the club. Can we do this?

Yes. A private society can run a private society lottery to raise funds for the society (club). However those funds cannot be distributed to other beneficiaries. For further information, please refer to Organising small lotteries - November 2009 which contains guidance on the rules for private society lotteries."
Andrew McHarg Wrote:I don't think gambling on the junior events would be a good idea. It adds extra pressure on the players that they probably don't want or need.

This would include juniors as being part of a sweepstake. I don't believe that there should be juniors involved in any way, even in a sweepstake.

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