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Manifesto of Steve Hilton for President
I am making this statement in response to an earlier post in this thread from Derek Howie and also in response to an email from Robin Moore.
I want to make it absolutely clear I have total respect for my opponent Hamish Glen and for all the others that are standing for election.
I needed help with my bid for election and Ian Brownlee was kind enough to help.

Chess Scotland
C.V. & Manifesto
What are your main goals for the next 12 months?
I think that it is important that work is started to clarify not only the constitution, but the roles of the President and Directors. The description of the Presidents role is crucial as there has to be clearly defined parameters as to what he/she can or cannot do. Recent events have proved this in my view.

I also want to clarify who is responsible for the day to day running of the Association. Council must remain the supreme decision making body for chess in Scotland, but the association has to still function as a body on a day to day basis.
A working party has to be formed to reform our constitution.
One Idea worth considering is the introduction of voting by email. This could cut out the need for proxy voting.
What are you going to do to increase the chess playing in Scotland?
2/ This is a very difficult one to answer. I think we must constantly publicise the inclusiveness of chess and a sport that can be played on an equal basis regardless of age, gender or disability.
Do you have any plans to improve CS's relationship with Holyrood?
3/ I have to admit that I do not know much about much about this topic. I think that my international role can be of service to the Association though, as our affiliates in the IBCA, have dealt with national and state governments when organising events on our behalf.
Do you have any plans to mend any of the fences that have been broken over the past 12 months?
4/ There has to be a process of reconciliation in my view. There is a clear need for this in Chess Scotland. If Chess Scotland wants to go forward, we have to all work together for the good of the WHOLE Chess community. I am fearful that the recent spats particularly on the noticeboard have been damaging to the whole of our community. I am not convinced that people realise this when posting.
In order for Chess Scotland to go forward, the above paragraph has to happen in particular. CS will not move forward until it can stop its infighting.

I held the post of Home Director for 3 and half years. I resigned the post because of a decision I made in regards to the Richardson Cup. I made an error and resigned to protect the integrity of the post. The post is more important than the occupant. I also try to do my job in a most impartial way
I am currently the Secretary General of the International Braille Chess Association (IBCA). I have completed 5 years in this post which is a very senior one on the international stage. I am now in my second term as I was re-elected unanimously in Chennai in 2012.
In my work for the IBCA, I have been involved in the organisation of the following,
World Junior Braille championships in Sweden in 2009
World team Championships in Romania in 2010
World Braille Championships in Serbia in 2010
World Junior & European Braille Championships in Rhodes in 2011
14th Braille Olympiad in India in 2012
Pan American Braille Championships in Argentina in 2012
World team Braille championships in Spain in 2013
World Braille Championships for Women and also the Junior World Braille Championships due to start in Belgrade, Serbia on the 21/8-1/9 2013
I have also helped two young players one in Aberdeen through Sheila Emery and the father of a blind kid in Hamilton by providing braille sets free.
I have also donated a number of Sets to Chris Hampton to help him set up a chess club for the blind in Edinburgh.

When I say I will do something, then people can be certain that I will do my utmost to do it.
My emphasis is to bring both sides together
I am honoured to have been asked to stand for the post of President of Chess Scotland. It will clearly be beneficial to the chess community that we have a contested election, regardless of the result as this will strengthen the post. In the future I would like to see all the posts contested.
The President has to listen to the concerns of the members. I also want to seek clarification of the roles and duties of not only the President, but of moderators for example. These clarifications in my view have to be decided by the council as instructed by the Annual General Meeting.
I do believe that the lack of communication between office bearers and members has led to the current situation in Chess Scotland. There has to be a change in attitude from everyone concerned in order for chess to move forward in this country. There has been a lack of transparency within the all directors and other office bearers such as the moderators for example. These clarifications in my view have to be decided by the council as instructed by the Annual General Meeting.
I do believe that the lack of communication between office bearers and members has led to the current situation in Chess Scotland. There has to be a change in attitude from everyone concerned in order for chess to move forward in this country. There has been a lack of transparency within the current workings of Chess Scotland, in which I aim to address.
Every bit of work, every debate, and the manner in which we conduct these debates reflects on the whole chess community and it is most important that they are conducted in a proper and courteous manner. We will only move forward by conducting our business this way.
The breakdown in communications is I think the major reason that we have the situation we have today.
Yes there will be difficult challenges ahead for CS, for example the replacing of the government grant. I am not afraid of making difficult decisions nor should the council as it will remain the main decision making body of the organisation. The promotion of chess at all levels is most important and I pledge that CS and its president will continue to do this. It is great that our country is hosting the Glorney tournaments next year as well as the Commonwealth Championships. I would like to see Chess Scotland stage a major disability event in the future. This would demonstrate the inclusiveness of Chess and that CS would get great credit by staging such a tournament.
In the manner of future funding, we have to look at how we aim to replace the grant. Maybe this should have been done many years ago when it became clear that the grant was going to end. With hindsight this proved to be an error but now we can look forward. I am proposing that we employ a professional fund raiser paid on a commission basis only. This can work and I have seen it work. One major benefit would be that having a professional fund raiser would allow our directors more time to concentrate This is vital to their own remits without having to spend valuable time having to find sponsorships for their projects.
I want to go back to the issue of communication.
I do pledge to make CS more transparent and therefore more open. As president I will listen to everyone from members and directors.
I will now come to the Standards Comittee (SC).
The SC has will also have to be more transparent along with the rest of CS. I want to see current directors and officials barred from holding positions within the standards committee. This is vital to protect the integrity of the committee. It will not be seen as such until this change is made. When the committee was formed in 2009, I opposed the appointment of directors to the SC. I still do now and will do until changes are made. It is the duty of the SC to collect all of the evidence in a case.
Like Chess Scotland, The SC must be open to scrutiny if the whole organisation is to become more transparent
I want to say a few words about the forum. Specifically, I am very disappointed by negative comments, and in particular personal attacks by the usual suspects. Do contributors realise how their postings will reflect on the whole of Chess Scotland? If I was a neutral looking at the CS forum for first time, I would be horrified by the vitriol shown in some of these postings.
I would like to see some sort of licensing agreement before being allowed to register. Just like when you install new software on your computer, you have to read the agreement before being allowed to continue installation. I would propose that the rules and regulations in the forum be turned into such a license agreement. And that each member has to sign them before being allowed to post.
I also propose that council gives the moderators a clear set of guidance rules which details punishments for any transgressors. I think that this would help the moderators. They are there to moderate not act as censors of posting, but they need rules and guidelines to help them. Criticism is important in debates and to democracy. Constructive criticism is good but abuse is damaging to us all.
I also wish to make clear that I have total respect for all those who are standing for election today and I wish everyone well in the future
Steve, it might be of interest to the electorate to know who in particular honoured you, by asking you to stand for President.
Quote:Marketing Director: Stephen Hilton
AH stated that Stephen had been looking for a new challenge having been a director for three years now. As Marketing had been vacant for some time, he wanted to see if he could bring something to the role. Stephen had also offered to cover the Home Director role if there was no one available.
AH pointed out that Stephen could have a positive impact, and gave the example of him presenting to a company that chess can be played equally by all or Stephen presenting that and posed the question “who would give the bigger impact?”
LM asked what experience Stephen has?
AH replied that he had been quite successful at gaining sponsorship for events abroad.
LB noted it would be good for someone else to help
LM agreed stating that as the job is so important it might make sense to have a marketing committee
KS pointed out that it was quite normal for a director to set up a committee and was well within its remit.
AH agreed to speak to Stephen about setting up a committee and tying in with DC who had expressed interest in doing the role prior to the AGM.
Nominated; Michael Hanley Seconded Andy Howie
Elected 12-3

Steve, in the absence of a director's report to this year's AGM, what would be your self-assessment of your performance in the role you were elected to at last year's AGM?
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StevieHilton Wrote:I am honoured to have been asked to stand for the post of President of Chess Scotland.

I must be honest I'm not sure what to make of this opening sentence; Stevie surely you are standing because you want to?
If elected , will you allow Robert Montgomery's motions to be debated and voted at AGM ?
amuir Wrote:Steve
If elected , will you allow Robert Montgomery's motions to be debated and voted at AGM ?

Robert's motion has received minimal support from forum users - do you think voting on them at the AGM will be different? (Or is there a large wad of proxy's waiting to be unsheathed at the right moment?)

There has been good, constructive advice given regarding the 'problem' - advice which seems to have been completely ignored.

Your own involvement in seconding the motion has also been called into question by your previous posting re: an e-mail which was circulated - your involvement now appears to be of a personal nature; is this the case?

Apologies to Steve Hilton if this takes the focus away from discussion of his Presidential Manifesto Sad
Andy B Apology accepted Big Grin

Andy M.
I would put the discussion of the motion to a vote to members subject to the rules of the existing constitution.
Before people rush to agree or disagree with Steve's answers, I think they should first note that he is here addressing difficult questions.
Andy B
I take very seriously the blocking of any motion whether Robert's, mine or anyones. I don't remember it having been done before and it is indicative of dictatorship, censorship and control. What matters in the future will be blocked?
Constructive advice has been taken on board for members to vote. The noticeboard does not have a unilateral view.
The respondent asked me to resign in order to stop the motion being discussed. I believe that with Michael Hanley and Phil Thomas becoming non members he was simply going through the Hamilton members one by one, removing them from the situation. I don't see a lot of contrition, reconciliation or dialogue from the respondent, only troublemaking over the period of his ban.
For Hamish, Andy H and Dick, the 3 powerful men, to create a wall of silence is not on.
I see the same arguments over the next 12 months in junior chess unless these problems are discussed

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