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Early day motion 2158 - Chess
Not sure how many on here are aware of this Early Day Motion. I first heard about it through a link on the TWIC website.

Quote:That this House recognises the positive social and intellectual benefits for all children across the social spectrum of learning chess at a young age and the relatively low costs of teaching it in schools; notes that while chess currently receives no financial support from the Government, many European countries including Sweden and France financially support chess in schools; further notes that the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth would welcome UK support for the Chess in Schools project being developed by the ECU and the Kasparov Chess Foundation; welcomes the work of the UK-based charity Chess in Schools and Communities which teaches chess to primary school children from less affluent backgrounds; and calls on the Government to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to learn chess at primary school within existing resources.

If any of you want to contact your MP to ask them to sign this EDM you can do so through the following I did, but unfortunately my own MP (Douglas Alexander) is a member of the Shadow Cabinet, which precludes him from signing EDMs
Gerard Blake Wrote:If any of you want to contact your MP to ask them to sign this EDM you can do so through the following I did, but unfortunately my own MP (Douglas Alexander) is a member of the Shadow Cabinet, which precludes him from signing EDMs

Hi Gerard, thanks for bringing this to my attention I will contact my MP and try and get him to put his name to the EDM. Fortunately, my local MP is not a member of the shawdow cabinet or the actual cabinet (but then most of Scottish MPs wont be! Big Grin) so I'm hoping he will sign it.
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
I wrote to my MP, Gordon Banks, this evening asking him to support the EDM.
I heard from my MP today.
"Thank you for your recent email regarding EDM 2158, regarding the social and intellectual benefits of chess. I am happy to inform you that I have now signed this EDM"
He then goes on
" Chess is a great example of a low-cost way to encourage children to think logically and strategically, because of this I am supportive of the idea for the teaching of chess to be funded in schools. As you noted in your email, chess is already funded by Governments in Sweden and France with successful results. I hope you find this reply helpful" (Gordon Banks MP)
Well done John and well done to your MP also.

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