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what does Phil Thomas play as black
Erm, that is a bit sharp, You can see Andy Muir getting beaten as White against the Icelandic player at the Scottish Championships. I am not sure I would recommend e4 in that position unless you are really prepared. It is probably easier to claim a small edge with 4.e3.

I was expecting something more like
d4 d6
c4 g6
Nc3 Bg7
e4 Nf6

When I don't think Phil will go for a mainline (with 0-0 and e5) so he'd probably play something slightly inaccurate and it is a question over whether white is good enough to take advantage. There are obviously a lot of ways that white could play from this point. In some way I like the idea of Be2 to keep open the idea of h4 or bd3 to keep open the possibility of f4. However, subjectively Ian should probably opt for very mainline moves with Nf3 and Be2 to put the onus on Phil to try something a bit wacky.
George Murphy Wrote:Sorry to be pedantic at this time of morning, Phil, but this is not a public Noticeboard. Only people who have registered can access it.

By the way, congratulations to father and son for coming first = in the Marymass Major. Can't happen very often, I suspect. Well done both!!


Ah but George surely any member of the public can register. =o

Marymass results were a little bit of a fluke. 3.5/5 should not be equal first in any section. 5 shared 1st equal. So thanks to all those people who took draws in the major section over the weekend - includes 3 of my opponents who accepted the draw offer made by me.

Real statistical fluke of the weekend Ithought was 3 other players entering a small section with exactly the same grade as me. I was seeded last of the 4 in alphbetical order.

Bizarrely at Inverness in 10 days it looks like I won't be top seed in the major event. Brendan O'Gorman (who didn't play at Marymass) is ahead of me in alphabetical order (only). Considering the details of swiss pairing could this be a rare occasion when alphabetical order works in my favour?
We're clearly seeing a sort of contraction in Elo ratings. Kind of like that theory that the Big Bang would in time be followed by a Big Crunch. In ten years, we will all be 1822.
Phil you sneaky so and so you told me you play the French whereas when I look up your games you're a Sicilian player how can I work out what style of play to use against you tells me fibs! Seriously guys thanks for your help maybe I should get Andy Howie to set up a live board so that we all enjoy this game! (another joke) I promise to post this game win, lose or draw!
Phil Thomas wrote 'Ah but George surely any member of the public can register?'

Recalling what the Moderator wrote the other day, Phil, I suppose that technically you are right: 'there are no restrictions on who can post on this forum, as long as they've set up an account.' It would be quibbling to ask (rhetorically) how many members of the public would want to?

No, the truth is that I saw 'Members Only' at the top of the page and the echo of a recent clanger impelled me to be pedantic. Sad

PS I hope that emoticon means 'sad'

PPS The 'congratulations' stand: there can't be many examples of father-son chess combinations doing so well??
Quote:Recalling what the Moderator wrote the other day

Referred to by the title. I've arrived!

Quote:there can't be many examples of father-son chess combinations doing so well??

Probably not loads in Scotland at least, though Evgeny and Vladimir Sveshnikov have entered a lot of tournaments together and are both rather strong players. I can't be bothered checking, but I'm guessing they've at least both placed highly in international opens before. There are probably other examples.

Closer to home, I suppose the MacQueens might have managed it while Calum was on his way up the sections, but I don't remember it. Further back, I wouldn't be surprised if the Rutherfords had achieved something, though you'd need to allow father-daughter combinations there. Interesting achievement anyway - congratulations to both Thomases.
Quote: to father and son for coming first
Certainly never Scott & Scott! Guess who let that side down!

A feeling that Lampard&Lampard featured somewhere ?
George Murphy Wrote:Phil Thomas wrote 'Ah but George surely any member of the public can register?'

Recalling what the Moderator wrote the other day, Phil, I suppose that technically you are right: 'there are no restrictions on who can post on this forum, as long as they've set up an account.' It would be quibbling to ask (rhetorically) how many members of the public would want to?

No, the truth is that I saw 'Members Only' at the top of the page and the echo of a recent clanger impelled me to be pedantic. Sad

PS I hope that emoticon means 'sad'

PPS The 'congratulations' stand: there can't be many examples of father-son chess combinations doing so well??

and congratulations to you too George for having the highest grading performance of the 5 players who finished equal first in our section.

I remember playing in an one day allegro open at Perth = Funday running alongside the weekend events where managed to win the event ( all the really strong players were next door in the open). Both my sons played and scored reasonably well - but I did beat them both on the day - which didn't earn me much kudos with Jacqui. These days I don't let Jacqui know when i'm about to play Daniel - I would only get a text back saying " I hope you lose"
William Hulme Wrote:I will email Phil and ask him for you....
Mr Hulme,

your email has not arrived (yet).

But I have just emailed my most recent game in which I faced 1 d4 to Ian.

I am not publishing it here - the information might fall into the wrong hands.
Ianbrownlee Wrote:Phil you sneaky so and so you told me you play the French whereas when I look up your games you're a Sicilian player how can I work out what style of play to use against you tells me fibs! Seriously guys thanks for your help maybe I should get Andy Howie to set up a live board so that we all enjoy this game! (another joke) I promise to post this game win, lose or draw!

over my playing career I am sure I've played the French more often than the Sicilian. Just that very few of those French games happened in the past 10 years.

All this help you're getting on the notice board!!!!. Will it feel like the equivalent of 4 proxy votes when we meet on Monday?

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