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Contract for Juniors
The pdf that can be found here:-

is the 'contract' that Jeremy had to sign and commit to for his swimming. Make no mistake if swimmers do not stick to this there are consequences.

I am not suggesting that anything as strict as this is required but why not something along these lines?
good idea Mike, many potential incidents can be avoided by a contract like this.
Note that it also covers the need to maintain a certain approach to training with the aim to maximise performance at certain end of season events.
Can chess players really "peak" for an event like swimmers?
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine
Alan Jelfs Wrote:Can chess players really "peak" for an event like swimmers?

No real reason why not Alan. Specific preparation (openings for specific players) for a particular event can maximise your chances of doing well, as can playing practice games at the same time-control a few days prior to the event.

Making sure all outside distraction are taken care of beforehand, increased physical fitness in the run-up to it, basically anything which leads to you being more prepared for and focussed on the challenge ahead.

After that you just have to perform on the day like any other sport and hope it's good enough Smile
Where IS the 'like' button.......
I would add to AndyB's comment on 'peaking' in that its also about preparing over an extended period so that you are ready for specific events. So for example the players identified as going or likely to be going follow a training & playing regime for the months (12?) before the event to ensure that they are as good as they can be for the events.

I think it is also about sending a message that you should take your chess seriously and, if you like, it is the reverse side of the rights & responsibility coin. They have the right to attend these events - and to have volunteers give up their time to take them - but their responsibility is to be as well prepared as possible.
I think with the right balance something like this is a good idea. But we should be careful that we don't drive talent away by demanding too much of their time to train. It's certainly fair to expect some kind of commitment from those selected to represent Scotland, but we ought to be very mindful that the juniors will have other important things to do with their time too - such as school work and whatnot.
Contract, consequences, regime, responsibilities, need for increases physical fitness, need
to peak. !!!! I sure hope there are no juniors reading this thread.
P Griffin Wrote:Contract, consequences, regime, responsibilities, need for increases physical fitness, need
to peak. !!!! I sure hope there are no juniors reading this thread. explain why? =|

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