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MacIsaac and Nancy Elder 2013-14
Following a review of the MacIsaac and Nancy Elder tournaments I can announce the following changes for season 2013-4:

MacIsaac -
Each club may enter:

• previous season’s club champion or one substitute graded 1850 or higher;
• one further member graded 1850 or higher;
• the winner of the MacIsaac in the previous season is entitled to enter but no substitutes are permitted if he/she does not take up entry rights.
• Each player will have 2 hours 30 minutes to play all moves. In order to facilitate midweek arrangements this may be reduced by mutual agreement to not less than 1 hour 30 minutes each player to play all moves

So potentially up to 3 entries for one club, 2 entries for others.

Nancy Elder -
Entry is no longer restricted to members of CS-member clubs

• Entry is available to any player subject to an upper grading limit of 1850 (1775 junior);
• The number of entries is unrestricted;
• Each player will have 2 hours 30 minutes to play all moves. This may be reduced by mutual agreement to not less than 1 hour 30 minutes to play all moves in order to facilitate midweek arrangements.

Applicable to both MacIsaac and Spens:

If there are a sufficient number of entries then I will group/zone as far as I can in the early stages.

Games may be played using the internet subject to the following conditions:
• Only available to players living more than 60 miles apart by road travel;
• Play in this way must be by mutual consent, failing which a face-to-face meeting in the normal way would be required;
• Use of a specific webserver would also have to be mutually agreed and arranged;
• Given that it would be impossible to ensure unassisted play or to prove suspicions of assisted play, players would have to accept beforehand that there could be no challenge on these grounds;
• Games must be submitted for analysis
• Games would not be graded unless there is an arbiter present at both ends throughout the game;
This option would not be available for the Semi-Final or Final

Entry fees and entry procedure for MacIsaac and Nancy Elder still need to be determined.

This information has been sent to Secretaries of all clubs in Scotland and to all Individual members of Chess Scotland that we have contact details for.

Keith Rose
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Interest so far:

Mikey Grove - Castlehill
Alan Jelfs - East Kilbride
Elaine Bamber - Poly/Castlehill

Nancy Elder
John Lynch - Castlehill
Lisa Paton - Castlehill
Ray Noble - Castlehill
Stephen Hilton - Cathcart
Ian Brownlee - Lanark
The following are entries received or intimated at 19 September.
Closing date for entries will be 8 October – email me directly with further entries please <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. I’ll address the matter of entry fees and payments shortly.

Pnum - Grade - Name - Club
22511 - 1986 - Mikey Grove - Castlehill
4482 - 1922 - Alan Jelfs - East Kilbride

Nancy Elder
Pnum - Grade - Name - Club
4357 - 1822 - Stephen Hilton - Cathcart
3323 - 1698 - Ian Brownlee - Lanark
22274 - 1634 - Leonaro Sani - Castlehill
22858 - 1624 - Dariusz Kosnik - Castlehill
6807 - 1609 - John Robertson - Dundee
3051 - 1534 - Jim Anderson - Dundee
19640 - 1500 - Declan Shafi - Castlehill
8657 - 1496 - Ray Noble - Castlehill
12506 - 1478 - Paul Shafi - Castlehill
22387 - 1434 - Euan Gray - North Juniors
7603 - 1046 - John Lynch - Castlehill
13881 - 990 - Lisa Paton - Castlehill
4243 - 889 - Chris Hampton - Pentland Hills

I have heard of three more possibles for MacIsaac and two more possibles for Nancy Elder.
The City of Dundee is well represented here – we could do with some other areas.

If you haven’t heard from your clubs recently about the changes to these events perhaps you could give your club Sec a nudge to circulate the info internally – I emailed details to all club secretaries a few days ago. Raising the profile and spreading information would help numbers hugely.

The revised rules for these tournaments are with CS arbiters just now for error and sanity checking. They should be available shortly.

Closing date for entries will be 8 October. I hope to make the draws during the Dundee Congress weekend (11-13 October)

Keith Rose
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
I have had an offer to find a venue in/near Glasgow for MacIsaac & Nancy Elder Games to be played if there is sufficient interest and enough entries to justify zoning. The main purpose to make it easy for those who are unsure about arranging their ties.

At the moment the nearest to Glasgow we have is:

E Kilbride (1)
Poly (1)
Ayr (1)
Cathcart (probably 1)

Nancy Elder:
Cathcart (2)
Lanark (1)

A few more in either tournament would help things along.

A few more in/around Edinburgh would also help zoning here, though a single venue hasn’t been suggested. Any offers?

Dundee is well represented plus one Aberdeen. A Dundee venue is certainly possible.

Latest at 30 Sept:

With the closing date looming in a little over a week we could still do
with a few entries in several areas:

Edinburgh area has 2 entries in the Nancy Elder – so a couple more from here/nearby would be welcome. Surely, with all the players in and around Edinburgh, there could be a little more interest?

Several entries from Glasgow area but only one from West Coast (Ayr, MacIsaac) – another MacIsaac from this area would also be helpful.

At the risk of repetition, I have had an offer of help to locate a venue in/near Glasgow in order for games to be played without the players having to worry about arrangement, and another suggestion for a venue on the West Coast (a Monday arrangement though).

And Aberdeen – only one in the Nancy Elder. Even one more entry from the area - or even Stonehaven - would allow a match to be played locally.

Closing date is 8 October.

Pnum - Grade - Name - Club
22511 - 1986 - Mikey Grove – Castlehill
4903 - 1957 - Alistair Maxwell - Cathcart
4482 - 1922 - Alan Jelfs - East Kilbride
6744 - 20654 - Elaine Bamber – Poly
6594 - 1898 - Peter Smith – Ayr

Nancy ElderPnum - Grade - Name – Club
4357 - 1822 - Stephen Hilton - Cathcart
3323 - 1698 - Ian Brownlee - Lanark
22274 - 1634 - Leonaro Sani - Castlehill
22858 - 1624 - Dariusz Kosnik - Castlehill
6807 - 1609 - John Robertson – Dundee
3051 - 1534 - Jim Anderson - Dundee
18587 - 1504 - Calum McGillivray – Edinburgh
19640 - 1500 - Declan Shafi - Castlehill
8657 - 1496 - Ray Noble – Castlehill
12506 - 1478 - Paul Shafi - Castlehill
22387 - 1434 - Euan Gray - North Juniors
3575 - 1400 - David Congalton - Cathcart
7603- 1046 - John Lynch – Castlehill
13881 - 990 - Lisa Paton - Castlehill
4243 - 889 - Chris Hampton - Pentland Hills

My efforts to bump the MacIsaac up to 8 entries failed so we go forward with 6. There are two byes - Mikey Grove and Elaine Bamber - and two matches - Alan Jelfs-Hamish Olson and Peter Smith-Alistair Maxwell

In the Nancy Elder there are 24 entries that I have grouped into three broad areas - North-East, Edinburgh area, Glasgow & West. Within these groups pairings have been localised as far as possible (too far maybe?).

Round 1 byes - Mike Pollard, Tony Akers, Hamish Glen, Ian Brownlee, Declan Shafi, Jim Anderson, Ray Noble, Leo Sani.
Round 1 pairings - Chris Hampton-Chris Donkin, David Congalton-Pat McGovern, Stephen Hilton-Mike Mitchell, Nigel Jowett-Andy McCulloch, Callum Smith-Euan Gray, Calum McGillvray-Dariusz Kosznik, Lisa Paton-John Lynch, Paul Shafi-John Robertson.

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And the first result in the Nancy Elder is in - Chris Hampton 0 - 1 Chris Donkin
Another result,

Dariusz Kosznik 1 - 0 Calum McGillivray
Nancy Elder - Callum Smith 1 - 0 Euan Gray
Nancy Elder result:

Paul Shafi 1 - 0 John Robertson.

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