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Euro Youth - Budva
The Euro Youth starts tomorrow in Budva, Montonegro.

Details of our team going can be found here.

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and the main site is

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Shaping up to be a good tournament with a strong bunch of players we're sending. I've got a feeling there is going to be a few big results coming Scotland's way!

It is easy to keep track of our results on

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which shows all the squad at the same time.

Best of luck to all, I'm sure you'll do us proud! Smile
My tip for the biggest scalp (V grade) has to be Daniel Deary. He is playing some sublime chess at the moment!
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Good luck everyone!
Results coming in now, good start from Caitlin, putting away a 1724! Draw for Vagif is the only other score for Scotland on what is again proving to be a tricky round 1.

Keep it up guys.
Another tough day in Budva with Miguel and Stuart getting byes.

We were still heavily outgunned on most boards but still scored a couple of wins through Ali and Murad. Leo drew to complete Scotland's score today.

Things tend to get a little easier as the rounds move on so keep those heads up and you'll do well.
Calum MacQueen Wrote:Results coming in now, good start from Caitlin, putting away a 1724! Draw for Vagif is the only other score for Scotland on what is again proving to be a tricky round 1.

Keep it up guys.

Caitlin's game from Round 1

[pgn]Nf3 c5 g3 Nc6 Bg2 g6 d3 Bg7 c4 d6 0-0 Qb6 Nc3 Nf6 e3 0-0 a3 e5 Qe2 Bf5 Rd1 Re8 e4 Bg4 Be3 Nd4 Bxd4 exd4 Na4 Qb3 e5 Qxa4 h3 Rxe5 Qxe5 dxe5 hxg4 Nxg4 Re1 Qc2 Rd1 Qf2 0-1[/pgn]
That seem like a rather good game from Caitlin. Qb6 is probably not best, but everything else looks very sensible. Well played.
Agree with Matt, looks like a good game. e5-Bf5-Re8 looks very logical, a nice idea.

Yesterday we scored 3 draws, a win and a bye.

Caitlin, Ali and Euan all scored good draws vs strong opposition and Kai bagged the full point.

Good luck today, two Scotland-England clashes to look forward to!
5 draws today. Anna, Ali, Jamie, Leo and Euan.

Solid stuff, I think Hamish's style might be rubbing off more than Jonny's or David's. Tongue
Best day yet.

Wins for Vagif, Murad, Monica and Dan. Nice to see Dan returning to the form he was in last weekend at lothians. Some big scalps en route me thinks!

Draws for Leo and Anna complete the scoring for today.

Seems as if tomorrow is the rest day, time to chill out and give those brains a well deserved break. If anyone out there is reading, try go easy on Jedwards at blitz. Smile

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