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Having been away for a week, I return to find the thread continue from the original mention of "Scotland's Chess Centenary Book" (1984) via Capt Mackenzie to the world-famous Barbier-Saavedra study (Glasgow Weekly Citizen 1895).

Barbier found the original "draw" (and he had the original inspiration to move Black's King from h6, where it had been placed in the 1875 Potter-Fenton game that started it all, to a1, from which wonders occur).

Saavedra, however, noticed that White can actually win (from the diagram shown earlier in this thread) - very cleverly!

According to John Roycroft in his outstanding "Test Tube Chess", which is still a landmark introduction to the study in chess after some 40 years, Saavedra's "discovery of [that] single move [by White] that led to a win ... is unquestionably the most famous of all endgame studies."

Try working it (all!) out!! You can, of course, google this these days.

But perhaps we should extract the story from M D Thornton's concise summary at p.36 of "Scotland's Chess Centenary Book" and give it due pride of place in the CS History Archive ... which already notes (thanks to our excellent chess historian) that Barbier sadly died shortly after the publication of one of Scotland's greatest ever gifts to the chess world!

Oddly enough, Potter also apparently died that year before the creation of the final (corrected) study.
I am belatedly reading Craig's initial posting and can now reply to one of his points.

Fairhurst v Aitken
There are 28 encounters between them in Fairhurst's notebooks, the games being played between 1931-1962. The results are Fairhurst won 11, Aitken won 9 and 8 were drawn.

They faced each other in Richardson Cup matches between Glasgow CC and Edinburgh CC, Glasgow League v Edinburgh League matches, and Scottish Championships.

These results include two matches played in 1937/38. Fairhurst won the first match 3½-2½, but Aitken took the second with a score of 5½-2½. Details of both matches are in the CS History Archive.

John Crum
Re David Congalton's comments:
There are some brief notes about John Crum in the Biographies section of the Archive.

There is a portrait of Mr Crum in the Edinburgh CC; I would be very grateful if someone could take a photograph of it and send it to me so that it can be added to the biography. (Apparently, it is too large to scan.) It would be good to show an image of the Scottish Champion of 1884, the year the SCA was founded.

Historian, Chess Scotland

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