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Dundee & Angus Congress results
Results are now available at and on the front page of the CS website.

Grading performances will follow shortly.

My thanks to:
The arbiters - Mike Roth, Donald Wilson and Jim Anderson
Open Sea Engineering and Universis Technology for financial support, and to the players who made donations to congress funds
Anne and Peter Woods
My colleagues and everyone else who made a contribution to the running of the congress.

And perhaps most of all all those who entered and gave us one of our best attended events so far.

Grading performances are available (have been since last night) on the CS news item and the congress website -

Perhaps of some interest is a video report by the Dundee television channel

I hope to have photos ready tonight and I'll share the feedback shortly as well. Games will follow but could be a few weeks. There are a lot to process.

Thanks to the organisers for putting on a very enjoyable tournament. Impressively promptly graded as well.
Many thanks for a Fantastic effort by the Dundee organisers who have put on yet another successful tournament.

Really good to see some top players in the Open tournament even though they have little to gain. Especially with the rise of the older juniors. They help make the top tournament what it should be.

Scotland with some really good talent accross all the junior age groups with potentially a dozen players at under 25 who could go on to become titled players. imho dyor
Many thanks to all involved at the Dundee congress. A lot of thought has gone into this tournament not only this year but also in previous years and I was constantly hearing good reports about it. This was the first time I have been able to attend and was really impressed with it's truly fantastic venue. I was also particularly delighted to see excellent junior prizes in each section. The importance of this aspect when organising a tournament should never be overlooked. Juniors (and their friends) return the following year and their chess playing parents return too. I enjoyed it very much.

And thanks to you too Robin. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, it's what it is all about. Re the junior prizes it is fair to say that they were enhanced by a financial contribution from Universis Technolgy, without which the prizes would have been a little lower. The good news though is that there is enough in the Universis pot to do the same again next year and perhaps again after that.

Thanks. I think it will be safe to say that this venue/date fits perfectly into the junior chess calender particularly as we are seeing so many good boys and girls from the east and north of the country playing and forcing their way into the international setup.


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