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Winter Chess Festival
Apologies for the slight delay. I forgot to hit upload...
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Hmm, I think a certain Moderator was on the Jungle Juice a bit early today...
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
I confess I am struggling to follow this event. Tables are in one thread, games link in another, neither present on the link from home page. Also found another webpage somehow with player interviews. There is a lot of good material here but I can only assume this is some sort of Xmas hide and seek quiz to keep us all on our toes? Latest mystery - Clement Sreeves playing today. Did someone drop out? Did Andy Burnett know in advance? If not that would have been very funny (nice game though)!
I don't see how anyone can get an IM norm if they aren't playing the right no. of games. Clement should be playing all the rounds. He is one of the norm chasers !
i am confused too George Sad can someone put all the stuff on one link or site? Maybe Ned Ludd had a point Smile
Luddites - a brief definition of this term from the early 19th Century.

Those who disable high tech equipment to stop others spinning yarns.

Can't see any logical link to the CS notice board.

Is Pat losing the thread?

Iain Swan was taken ill the last two rounds. To make sure the others are not affected, Andrew Green kindly agreed to play in Round 4 and Clement in Round 5.

As it stands at the moment, from memory only Calum K and Neil can get norms.
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"

You can try the link where everything is...

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"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
George Neave Wrote:I confess I am struggling to follow this event. Tables are in one thread, games link in another, neither present on the link from home page. Also found another webpage somehow with player interviews. There is a lot of good material here but I can only assume this is some sort of Xmas hide and seek quiz to keep us all on our toes? Latest mystery - Clement Sreeves playing today. Did someone drop out? Did Andy Burnett know in advance? If not that would have been very funny (nice game though)!

I did know George, although I prepared for Andrew Green the evening before and only then found out it would be Clement! Had played Clement recently so didn't really need to prepare - he played 1.c4 b6!? anyway =o which I would never have expected.
Must confess that I thought I was completely winning after Ne4...will check today what, if anything, I missed. Tough tournament but very enjoyable - hopefully events like this will become the norm Smile

Happy New Year to everyone and big thanks to David Oswald and Andy Howie in particular =)
Apologies for any difficulties with following the event - its been very hard work keeping everything ticking over. Massive thanks to Andy Howie and David Archibald for all their good work so far.

Iain Swan is unfortunately still too ill to recover in time before tomorrow's game (get well soon Swany!). If there is a 2150+ player out there interested in playing a game tomorrow at 3pm, let me know - thanks!

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