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Tromso Olympiad 2014
Really, if you are looking to tell Andy Muir he cannot go, as seems to be John's intention I would guess it would have to be the Management Board that did so. You can look up the constitution to work out the membership.

I don't know if I would have the apetite to do that given Andy has already booked his flights and has done something he has the power to do (agree with it or not, conflict or not). Who would foot the bill for these flight costs? Chess Scotland's International Budget and then for instance (we cut) what little support we give the Seniors? Any decision has negative consequences in this scenario, it really isn't that easy and some of you need to look at the bigger picture and put your personal prejudices to the side.

I'd be interested to see some solutions, its easy to point out problems but what is it that those who feel aggrieved expect Council/International Board/Management Board to do?

I haven't seen a workable short-term solution on this topic that I can get behind, there has to be a compromise from both sides and Matt's first solution with Jonathan Grant as Captain and Andy Muir as Vice Captain is the only one that seems semi-workable to me given where we are. Longer term the whole selection process and strategy needs looked at from players selecting themselves and International Directors selecting themselves neither of which is morally right.

On a personal level I have found the chinese whsipers campaign orchestrated to be distasteful and this topic has degenerated into some pretty painful personal posts including Budapest [-x. Its infectous to read for all the wrong reasons...
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
This is obviously not the most significant point at issue, but I'd be pretty surprised if the vast majority of the cost of a flight booked this far in advance couldn't be recouped on cancellation. If it can't, that's a strong argument for keeping Andy in post, I suppose. Be very unfair if he had to pay it, certainly, and I'd be surprised if anyone else wanted to.
Budapest- There is nothing at all wrong with remaining in the central tourist area. It is well worth visiting and taking the normal precautions of not travelling alone, stay in a recognised hotel, beware of pickpockets etc.

If you are a tourist DO NOT under any circumstances stray outside that area.

I was not a tourist. I was living and working there. It was easily the most dreadful place I ever had the misfortune to work in. Hope that's an end to it.
I note most of the current directorship willing to comment here support the view that directors can do as they see fit. Perhaps the FIDE culture is rubbing off? I suggest a crash course in corporate governance is in order here Wink

Shame the Oil Rig story is not true. I initially assumed the Tweedie brothers had come forward with a package deal to stage the match :p

PS Do we really need to wear ties now at SNCL? Will Gynis be communicating school colours? Or, was this another April fool?
Robin, please stay on Topic. This has nothing to do with Budapest
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Agree Andy, hopefully it is not mentioned again.
George Neave Wrote:I note most of the current directorship willing to comment here support the view that directors can do as they see fit. Perhaps the FIDE culture is rubbing off? I suggest a crash course in corporate governance is in order here Wink

George, that's exactly what I'm saying, now know your role and stop troubling the Directors with all this drivel :-@ As for a crash course in corporate governance I think Hamish & Andy are looking at cancelling our participation in the Olympiad and using the funds freed up in getting Kirsan or Sepp Blatter to come over and show us how it's really done!

On a serious point, my views are explicitly my own and do not reflect those of the other Directors.

In all likelihood I'll get my knuckles wrapped for participating in this topic we don't like to be seen as approachable you know.
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
David Deary Wrote:As for a crash course in corporate governance I think Hamish & Andy are looking at cancelling our participation in the Olympiad and using the funds freed up in getting Kirsan or Sepp Blatter to come over and show us how it's really done!

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

ps if anyone is wondering why the topic was locked for a few moments there, mouseslip :o)
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Andy Howie Wrote:ps if anyone is wondering why the topic was locked for a few moments there, mouseslip :o)

Pity... I thought we were stifling debate again! ^#(^
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
Quote:I'd be interested to see some solutions, its easy to point out problems but what is it that those who feel aggrieved expect Council/International Board/Management Board to do?

How about this, which I posted today?

a) support Andy Muir and accept his decisions and actions regarding his own captaincy, or
b) decide that alternative solutions be investigated.

We have now established (thanks to Phil Thomas) that there is an International Board with certain powers and responsibilities - this would seem to be the logical place to start.

As a further point arising from David Deary's post - no matter how often you use the word 'personal' in relation to those who find Andy Muir's conduct unacceptable, it doesn't make it so. Kindly stop doing so as it is misleading and unhelpful to healthy debate.

According to the minutes of the 16th March Council meeting, David Deary, Jim Webster, Andy Howie and Dougie Bryson were apparently present (all people who have posted on this thread also). Do any of them recall discussions of and support given to Andy Muir's decisions and actions. Sorry to keep 'harping' on about it, but if those in the know won't answer questions, then 'Chinese whispers' will abound :-$

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