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U16 Olympiad
Today (Friday) is a well deserved rest day for our team in Turkey. They are all heading to the Lunarpark for a wee day out. Ali says that this is the first tournament she has played in where the venue is in the mountains and is a ski resort. She says it is a wee bit cold ! Ali also said that she did consider 16...R x N in her last game but thought her opponent had a defence. Tomorrow we have Moldova for opponents (or partners as the Russians say) at 10am local time. The good news is that, at last, they do not have a reserve so prep should hopefully be straightforward, with no need to guess who you are playing. They are having a good time and are socialising with the other teams. Team spirit is high after our last couple of very good results so hoping for a nice finish.

Well, so far in the games this morning, it looks like our opponents are clearly tougher than in previous rounds. They have chosen aggressive options against us.
Ali is trying to shut up the shop for today.
Does 16 Bb6 win a piece for sam? after RxB6 17 Qa5 pins rook?
Was just going to say that myself. Sam appears to agree with us.
Andrew's game looks crazy, I have no idea what's going on!
One of those 'I would lose within three moves with either colour' positions.
Well, we have just started play today against one of the home Turkish teams, wonder if they will have any delights for us?
10...Ne4 from Ali looks a useful move.
Yes, thought so, she has followed it up with 11...Bf6. This looks promising.

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