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Edinburgh resuts...
re FM Tate v GM Turner, I was amongst the crowd of people watching the end to an exciting game, and am chomping at the bit to see the PGN. It seemed deserving of a bit of publication and surely it will feature in the mag and websites etc in time, but lets get it posted on here? It was a good bit of sportsmanship from Matthew to play out Alan's winning checkmate combo also, it made it more exciting for those watching.
Jonathan Livingstone Wrote:re FM Tate v GM Turner, I was amongst the crowd of people watching the end to an exciting game, and am chomping at the bit to see the PGN. It seemed deserving of a bit of publication and surely it will feature in the mag and websites etc in time, but lets get it posted on here? It was a good bit of sportsmanship from Matthew to play out Alan's winning checkmate combo also, it made it more exciting for those watching.

I wasn't there but heard about this game at my club on Monday night, and would also be keen to see the game...
I think we can do more to get some more games online

I know Andy does a lot with live games but surely we can train someone when he is not available?

Next best thing would be manually keying in games in (cross checked) and posting them online - either 1/2 hour delay or even after the game - I am sure we can bribe, sorry, reward juniors/ new players for inputting the games into a laptop or ipad with engine disabled - it would also benefit the juniors keying in the top boards - at least top 4+ 4 others like live boards

It might also spark some arbiters for the future
Graham Kerr Wrote:
Jonathan Livingstone Wrote:re FM Tate v GM Turner, I was amongst the crowd of people watching the end to an exciting game, and am chomping at the bit to see the PGN. It seemed deserving of a bit of publication and surely it will feature in the mag and websites etc in time, but lets get it posted on here? It was a good bit of sportsmanship from Matthew to play out Alan's winning checkmate combo also, it made it more exciting for those watching.

I wasn't there but heard about this game at my club on Monday night, and would also be keen to see the game...

I'd like to see it too! Only caught the opening and early middlegame - will see if I can get a copy and post it here Smile
George Neave Wrote:I was thinking about the unfortunate situation in Edinburgh open which resulted in major part of prize fund finishing with someone benefiting from 2 full point default byes. Competition seriously distorted because we had a couple of titled players (well 1 at least) not really committed to participate in the event and as result completely screwing up the draw. Perhaps if organizers wish to offer free places for titled players they should still take the entry fee as deposit and then return it only on condition that the player actually turns up for all their games?

The defaults and non-appearances skewed quite a few things at the weekend unfortunately. Mark Orr, through no fault of his own, barely got any chess at all over the last 3 rounds. £400 for his efforts isn't bad compensation (!) but it's obviously far from ideal for Mark or the tournament.

IM Helgi Dam Ziska, who I imagine got a free entry, was apparently too tired to continue after round 2 and couldn't even inform the arbiter himself about this. He wasn't too tired to then go out for a night on the town (allegedly)...a night out which resulted in Mark's next opponent's non-appearance the following morning (he did turn up, but after the default time).

Not the first time this season that some Edinburgh University players have caused problems with their inability to appear on time/at all - a complete lack of respect for their opponents and the organisers/arbiters/tournament/etc..

One of the upshots of all this is that non-titled players simply weren't getting the opportunity to play the titled players - which is one of the arguments for giving them free entry.

Some version of George's/ Jonathan's 'entry fee bond' might be worth thinking about.

Aside from this problem, the weekend was excellent! The venue was fantastic, and the playing hall (for the Premier at least) was among the best I've encountered for a long, long time. Well done to the organisers Big Grin
This is from memory but here goes....

[pgn]1. c4 Nf6 2. g3 c5 3. Bg2 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. Nc3 Nc7 6. b3 e5 7. Bb2 Be7
8. Rc1 O-O 9. Nh3 Nc6 10. O-O Be6 11. f4 Qd7 12. Nf2 exf4 13. gxf4 f5 14. Na4
Nd5 15. Nd3 b6 16. Qe1 Rad8 17. Qg3 Bf6 18. Ne5 Bxe5 19. fxe5 Nde7 20. Rfd1 Ng6
21. d4 Nxd4 22. Qf2 f4 23. Kh1 Nxe5 24. Nxc5 bxc5 25. Rxc5 Ng4 26. Qg1 Nxe2 27.
Rxd7 Rxd7 28. Bd5 Rxd5 29. Rc7 Rf7 30. Qxa7 Rd1+ 31. Kg2 f3+ 32. Kh3 Nf2+ 33.
Kh4 Rf4+ 34. Kg5 Rd5+ 35. Be5 Rxe5# 0-1[/pgn]

Edit: Can't get the board working, but there are the moves.
Not sure what's up with the game viewer, but I have posted the game on my website should anyone want to play through it in the meantime...
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Ooh... all the little images that used to be the pieces are gone. I'll fix this as soon as possible. Big Grin
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FIDE results for Premier now uploaded - pls let us know if any errors.
Game boards now fixed... :ymsmug:

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