This is meant to be a point of reference regarding Scottish chess trophies of all types; championships, team competitions, league, club and regional competitions.
Shortly before he retired as Chess Scotland Treasurer, 'Mac' McKenzie attempted to compile a list of trophies, mainly to confirm their whereabouts - because "some appear to have been 'lost' - but also to have a better record of their history.
This information has been compiled from various sources, and not necessarily from the earliest reference.
Corrections, clarifications and additional information will be welcomed.
Founded 1884, now Chess Scotland
When the SCA was formed in 1884, the matter of a championship trophy was discussed:
'...the badge of championship to be a silver cup not to exceed £30 in value, which, however, must be won three years in succession by one person to become his property...'
Sketch from Dundee Evening Telegraph, 19 April 1893, page 2.
The first trophy: it was won outright by D.Y. Mills, who was champion in 1895-6-7.
At the annual general meeting of the Scottish Chess Association in Glasgow, held during the 14th annual Congress on 19 April 1897, Mr A.B. Law, SCA president, announced that he would give a Cup to replace the one retained by Mr Mills. [Glasgow Herald, 20 April 1897, p. 4]
The second trophy was won outright by Dr R.C. Macdonald, champion in 1904-5-6.
The BCM of October 1906, p 393 reported regarding the Scottish Chess Association:
A Council meeting was held on September 10th, at the Glasgow Club, when it was intimated that the president, Mr C.S. Rankin Simson, W.S., had offered a championship cup to the Association, to replace the one won outright by Dr Macdonald. It was unnanimously agreed to accept the gift, and a resolution was passed thanking Mr Rankin[e]-Simson.
The third trophy presented in 1906-7 by Mr Rankine Simson:
British Chess Magazine 1908, page 144
An inscription on the trophy reads:
PRESIDENT 1906-1907
This trophy was won outright by William Gibson, who was champion in 1921-22-23. It was returned to the SCA in 1954 by Gibson's niece, Mrs E.B. Rae, Glasgow, when it was planned to use it for one of the competitions at the annual congresses. [Glasgow Herald chess column, 26 February 1954] It was used for the Major tournament.
A replacement trophy (the fourth) was offered to the SCA by W.T. Logan, a member of Glasgow Chess Club and a jeweller and goldsmith, on the condition that:
'this cup cannot be won outright, but can only be held from year to year by the winners.'

Glasgow Herald chess column, 12 May 1923, p. 4
Formed 1905, later amalgamated with SCA.

Scottish Ladies' Championship Trophy
Was in the possession of Ken Stewart
The main inscription reads:
An inscription on the other side reads:
CHAMPION 1905-6-7
Richardson Cup
Donated to the SCA in 1898 by Mr J.B. Richardson of Stirling for competition between the primary clubs of Scotland.

Edinburgh Evening News, 2 November 1898, page 4.
Spens Cup
This was instituted in memory of Walter Cook Spens, L.L.D., of Glasgow, in whose chambers the inaugural meeting of the Scottish Chess Association took place on 2 February, 1884. After his death in 1900 a memorial fund was raised, a portion of which was spent on the purchase of the trophy. It was supplied by W. & W. Logan, goldsmiths, Glasgow. It was a copy of the famous Monteith Cup, a large silver bowl on an ebony pedestal. It measured 15 inches across and 10½ inches in height and contained 115 oz of solid silver.

Edinburgh Evening News, 10 October 1901, page 4.

On one side is the inscription
On the other side is the Spens family crest and motto Si Deus Quis Contra (If God is For Us Who is Against Us).
The original Spens Cup went missing sometime between 1939-1945. See Not the original Spens Cup.
The replacement cup. The inscription reads:
Robertson Challenge Cup
Was in possession of Ken Stewart (CS Council Meeting, March 22 2009)
'In remembrance of the late Miss Isabella Scott Robertson, the first honorary president of the Scottish Ladies' Chess Association, a handsome silver cup of Irish design has been presented fior the annual inter competition of the various ladies' chess clubs affiliated to the Association. This challenge cup will be competed for by the Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Stirling Ladies' Chess Clubs on Saturday, 6th April, and. it is expected will prove one of the most interestring events of the chess congress about to be held in Edinburgh. The late Miss Robertson, herself a good player and keen supporter of the game, was the daughter of the late Lord Benholm, to whose early training in chess she owed much of her success.'
The Scotsman, Friday, 29 March, 1907, p4.
Cranston Rosebowl
Presented by Sir Robert Cranston, Lord Provost of Edinburgh 1903-06, to the Scottish Ladies’ Chess Association in the year of its formation, 1905. On the amalgamation of this body with the Scottish Chess Association, the cup became the property of the SCA.

The Cranston Rosebowl was played between representatives of Glasgow and Edinburgh Ladies' Chess Clubs (and Stirling Ladies' CC when it existed). It was run in club sections with the section winners meeting in the final.
The Edinburgh Ladies' CC closed in 1967. Glasgow Ladies' CC closed 1989.
'When it came to "any other business" it was pointed out that the Cranston Trophy was the property of the Edinburgh Ladies Chess Club and not, as might apear from the accounts, of the SCA.'
Scottish Chess No. 20, May-September 1966, p 6, from a report of the AGM of the SCA.
Ken Stewart was in possession of this trophy.
In 1932 Mrs Margaret Gibson offered a trophy in memory of her late husband William Gibson. This became the trophy for the Scottish Boys' Championship
The Glasgow Herald chess column of 17
December 1932, p7 reported:-
The William Gibson Cup has now been
presented to the Scottish Chess Association by Mrs Gibson. It is a
beautiful silver trophy in the form of a mether, an old style of
drinking cup, and is inscribed as follows:-
Scottish Chess Association-Boys' Championship
Cup-Presented by Margaret Buick in memory of her husband, William
Gibson, 1932.
A detailed history of this competition, and its trophies, can be found at West of Scotland Trophy
It is appropriate that this new trophy, which will perpetuate the memory of the former Scottish Champion, should take the form of an award for schools throughout Scotland, as P.B. Anderson did so much to encourage school chess clubs. The subscription list for the fund from which the trophy will be purchased remains open and the S.C.A. [Scottish Chess Association] treasurer, A.J. Shaw, will be delighted to receive further contributions.
The trophy, which will be awarded annually, will not be won by competition. Schools wishing to be considered will have to complete a questionaire which seeks information regarding the number of pupils in the club, the number of meetings per week, the local and national competitions entered by teams from the school, details of internal competitions etc. A short leet of four will be drawn up from the replies. Further enquiries will be made before the S.J.C.A. [Scottish Junior Chess Association] Council selects the winning school, based on its contribution to the junior chess scene throughout the season.
Scottish Chess, Nr. 37, February 1975, p. 11.
Ayrshire League
The Ayrshire League trophy [sometimes referred to as the Dunlop Trophy], presented to the Association last week by the donor, Mr Dunlop, Kilmarnock, is of unique design and beautiful appearance. On a mahogany base is a silver board, set with pieces forming a problem, while round the sides are silver panels for the winners’ names.
Glasgow Herald, chess column, 23 April 1932, p 7.

Dunlop Trophy
Bohemian CC (Glasgow)
Championship Trophy
The Minute Book indicates that a police detective had passed on information to the club that the fiscal would not proceed with a charge. This suggests that there was some doubt about 'ownership'. Did the club own the cup, or was it the property of the person who won it? It is also shown that the pawnbroker stated that he was prepared to return the trophy to the club for £2 10s, but there is nothing in the notes to show that this was accepted.
The W.E. Brown that pawned it is not a name that I have come across in my historical researches. The Minute Book does record that there were problems with the club championship, in that entries were poor and games were not being played off in good time. Perhaps the club decided not to 'waste' the money recovering the cup.
Letters were sent to the 'culprit' and his uncle, in an effort to resolve the issue. Threats of legal action were made. I have search old Glasgow Herald issues for information, but so far without success.
Sent a note to the seller, who responded with information that they are bullion sellers, based in Hatton Gdns, London, and that they have no information about the provenance of the item. Instead of melting it down, they decided that it was of good enough quality (silver) to try to sell it on.
Mr A.L. Fairbrother presented a cup for
handicap competition (Glasgow Herald chess column, 16 May
1936 refers to this trophy).
Branford Cup
Presented for annual competition to the Galloway Chess Association by the Rev Canon Branford, Newton-Stewart.
Glasgow Herald chess column, 7 May 1938.
Dunlop Trophy
See Ayrshire League.
Dykes Memorial Cup
For the Schools Division of Edinburgh League. This Cup and a Quaich were provided by a fund, subscribed to by all League clubs, which amounted to the gratifying sum of £30. The meeting decided that the quaich would be made the trophy for an under 21 tourney to be run each year.'
(Refers to the AGM of the Edinburgh League, where the widow of RD Dykes made a presentation to the winners, George Watson's.)
Scottish Chess Nr. 7, April-June 1962, p 6.
Edinburgh League
Dr Charles Frederick Knight, M.D., President of the Edinburgh Chess League and Portobello Chess Club, presented the Knight Cup and medal to the Edinburgh Chess League for annual competition amongst the affiliated clubs.
The Edinburgh Evening News, 7 May 1904, page 6.

Knight Cup

Galloway Championship
See Sheriff Skinner Cup
Galloway Chess Association
See Branford Cup.
Glasgow Chess League Congress
A series of Glasgow Chess League congresses
began in 1962 with a Championship and Reserves sections. In 1965 Frank
Slotopolsky of the Glasgow Jewish Institute chess club presented a
trophy to be awarded in the Reserves section.

The Frank Slotopolsky Trophy
Glasgow Boys' Championship [began 1954]
A trophy has been presented by Mr Fairhurst to the Glasgow Schools League for their annual Easter competition for the Glasgow Boys' championship, won from an entry of 48 last Easter by Derek R. Thomson, Kelvinside Academy....'
Glasgow Herald chess column, 5 December 1958.
Glasgow Central CC [formed 1860 - disbanded 1962]
Castle Shield – club championship
Hill Cup – Intermediate championship [Gerald Hill]
Dickson Cup – Minor championship [James Dickson]
Glasgow Herald, chess columns, 28 May 1932 and 12 June 1937.
Glasgow Chess Club
Information from unpublished history of the club.
The Macfarlane Cup, the oldest in the possession of the Club was presented by George Macfarlane in 1874 when he became Hon. President in room of Sheriff Henry Glassford Bell. For seventeen years to 1891 it was held by the Club Champions. In 1892 it became the first prize in the Minor Championship of the club and for two years 1908 and 1909 was offered as the trophy in an Intermediate Championship tournament. "Re-transferred to Minor, 1910" the "Macfarlane" has remained the keenly contested award in the Club Minor Championship tournament.
The Outram Cup. When in 1890 D.E. Outram, the Club's oldest member became Hon. President he made a gift to the Club of twenty pounds. After due consideration the Committee decided that the gift should take the form of a Cup to be competed for in the Championship class and in January 1892 that decision was given effect.
There being no space on the Cup itself for the names of winners these are engraved on silver bands fixed to the plinth and thus form a complete record of Club Champions for the years 1892 to 1939 (and now to 1992).
Was in possession of Ken Stewart, former member of Glasgow CC.
The Longwill Cup was originally the fourth West of Scotland Challenge Cup and presented according to the inscription thereon by Mr A Bonar Law. It was an exact replica of the Third Cup. Mr JR Longwill presently (1941) Hon President won the Cup outright in 1901 and eighteen years later presented it to the Club to encourage and develop the Gambit Tournament which was then struggling for recognition among Club competitions.
The Dickson Cup presented by Mr George Dickson, vice-President 1923-4 and President, 1925 "for the encouragement of players not in the first class" was for a time offered in a Reserves competition but became the Junior West of Scotland Championship Cup in 1933.
Glasgow Jewish Institute Chess Club
Charles Hochfield Cup
For a handicap tournament at Glasgow Jewish Institute CC.
Glasgow Herald chess column, 25 June 1938.
Glasgow Ladies' Chess Club (formed 1905 - disbanded 1989)
Margaret Gibb Cup
A silver prize cup
with 3 handles and baluster column, inscribed "Championship Cup,
presented to the Glasgow Ladies Chess Club in memory of Margaret Gibb,
First President." 8½" high, Sheffield 1919, on ebonised plinth. (From
Miss Ellison S. Gibb, to honour her mother.)
McChlery Cup
A silver prize cup
with 2 scroll handles and chased rim, inscribed "Presented to
Glasgow Ladies Chess Club by H.H. McChlery for competition between
2nd class players, 1930." 8½" high overall, Birmingham 1929, on
ebonised plinth. (From Mrs H.H. McChlery.)
Edington Cup
A silver prize cup
of ogee form with 2 scroll handles, inscribed "To the Glasgow Ladies
Chess Club in memory of Eleanor Edington...October 1936." 8" high
overall, Birmingham 1928, on ebonised plinth. (Donated by
members of Miss Edington's family. For best league/match scores.)
Gibb Rose Bowl
A silver prize
rose bowl embossed with scrolls and flowers, inscribed "Glasgow
Ladies Chess Club, presented by Mrs Peter Gibb, President, 1908." 8½
diameter, Sheffield 1907, on ebonised plinth. (Presented by Mrs
Margaret Gibb.)
Lawrie Trophy
A silver square
Comport with canted corners, inscribed "Lawrie Trophy, presented to
the Glasgow Ladies Chess Club by Mrs J.S. Lawrie, 1937." 8¼" x 8¼",
Birmingham 1934. (For third-class competition.)
Glasgow Herald chess columns, 5 May 1934, 7
May 1938 and 5 May 1939.
After the club disbanded three trophies in the club's possession
─ the McChlery Cup, the Lawrie Trophy and the Eddington Cup ─ were given to Kelvingrove/Glasgow Museums. It is not known what happened to the other two trophies; the Gibb Cup was won by Anne McGrory that year; she moved to the Middle East to get married and lost touch.
Information from Val Corbett, daughter of former club member Rose Shedden, in e-mail of 22 February 2017.
Glasgow League
Abel Klibanskie-Miller donated the A.K. Miller Cup to the the Glasgow League for a tournament which was run as a handicap knock-out.
But there was also one within the Jewish CC. (See Jewish CC yearbooks images.)
Scottish Chess Nr. 81, June 1984, p 18.
Glasgow Schools' League
'A trophy has been presented by Mr Fairhurst to the Glasgow Schools League for their annual Easter competition for the Glasgow Boys' championship, won from an entry of 48 last Easter by Derek R. Thomson, Kelvinside Academy....'
Glasgow Herald chess column of 5 December 1958.
Jack Campbell Rosebowl
MacIsaac Trophy
National individual knock-out championship between club champions, or other club nominees.
D.M. MacIsaac died in February 1961. An obituary notice appeared in the next Scottish Chess and included the following information: 'To commemorate his service to Scottish Chess the new Champions' Tournament is to be known as the MacIsaac Tournament.'
Scottish Chess Nr. 3, Spring 1961, p 3.
Questions raised by Mac McKenzie re the MacIsaac Trophy:
In a picture in the Centenary Book [1984] I think it shows a cup on a plinth but the picture isn't all that clear. That was in 1984. Unfortunately the MacIsaac isn't one of the competitions listed in the book. The cup now doesn't have a plinth. The names of all the winners are listed from 1975 to 2007...Is the current trophy a replacement for the original or wasn't there a trophy for this competition before 1975? Alternatively is it possible that pre-1975 winners were listed on the missing plinth and the cup is the original. If a replacement what happened to the original?
Nancy Elder Trophy
Paisley Chess Club
In December 1897 it was reported that J.B. Richardson had presented a silver inkstand to the recently-formed Paisley Chess Club, to be competed for by the members in a tournament.
Polytechnic (Glasgow)
From the Glasgow Herald chess column of July 7 1939, p 9: an obituary on Mrs F.F. Thomson, mentions that during the last winter she " presented the club with a valuable competition trophy."
Peter Lyon Trophy (championship)
Thomson Cup (intermediate)
Spencer Macmartin Cup (minor) – this should probably be the Semple Macmartin cup after J. Semple Macmartin
Glasgow Herald chess column of 19 September 1958.
Scotsman Trophy
Sponsored by The Scotsman newspaper, this was for the Scottish Schools' Team Chess Championship. The first season of the competition was 1967-68, when it was won by Boroughmuir School, Edinburgh. Allan Glen's, Glasgow, won in 1968-69, with Boroughmuir winning again in 1969-70.

The Scotsman Trophy.
Sheriff Skinner Cup
Awarded for the Galloway Championship.
Scottish Chess Nr. 4, July-September 1961, p 8.
Frank Slotopolsky of the Glasgow Jewish Institute Chess Club donated the Slotopolsky Shield to the Glasgow League.
Stirling CC
Richardson Memorial Championship Trophy.

Presented to Stirling CC in 1896 by Mr J.B.
Richardson, in memory of his deceased son Robert, one of the original
members of the club. The trophy is of massive silver, and of unique
design, having ─ at the donor's suggestion ─ especial reference to the
character of the game. It consists of a silver cup standing on a black
wood plinth. The cup itself is in the form of a castle, one of the
pieces used in playing chess and stands by itself 12 inches high. To
use as a cup, the roof with battlemented parapet lifts off. Round the
basement storey of the castle, repousse in high relief, there is seen
approaching a procession of the various pieces employed in the game,
representing the victorious party coming from both sides to enter the
castle gate. The upper part of the castle wall is divided into blocks
of masonry, each block being intended to be engraved with a year, and
the holder's name for that particular year. There are cross windows in
the side of the castle, and over the door is a shield, which bears the
arms of the Royal Burgh of Stirling.
Edinburgh Evening News, 15 February 1896, p. 4.
Alan McGowan
Historian, Chess Scotland
Updated 21/10/2023