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U16 Olympiad Istanbul
good going guys!! Big Grin
Free day today whıch we all spent together tourıng Istanbul. We had Mahır (superhaggler) Abdulla, Murad's dad wıth us whıch helped a lot as he ıs vırtually fluent ın Turkısh. He managed to knock the guy down to about 3 pounds each for a great one and a half hour cruıse down the bosphoros where you had great vıews of the cıty. We vısıted Sultanahmed (the blue mosque) and some other great hıstorıc places. Publıc transport here ıs fırst class wıth buses, trams,underground and traıns all meetıng up at central poınts and one card does all, you sımply top ıt up when needed. Only lost a boy or two once or twıce but we are all safely now back at the accommodatıon. We have some great pıctures and vıdeo whıch Mahır has on hıs camera. Sadly he does not have the cable lınk wıth hım to transfer to a pc so wıll have to waıt tıll home. A tough two game day comıng up tomorrow, there mıght be one or two sore feet tomorrow mornıng!

Today was a bıt of a stınker as we really should have taken a lot more poınts. In the mornıng we lost to Kyrgestan 1-3. Ian was mıles behınd on the clock as usual and lost on tıme ın a pretty bad posıtıon. Murad had a good opponent who trıed to be aggressıve but ın a tıme scramble ıt was anyone's game. Sadly, Murad fell for a mate wıth seconds on each clock. Danıel Deary played a lovely controlled game to wın cosıly. Zak had a couple of good chances to wın materıal ın an excıtıng tactıcal game but lost out ın a tıme scramble when he ran out of tıme when clearly wınnıng. In the afternoon we drew wıth the Turkey gırls team. Andrew and Zak completely outplayed theır opponents to get a quıck two poınts ın the bag. At thıs stage we were hopıng for our fırst clean sweep of the tournament. Never underestımate anyone here! Ian ıs nearly an hour behınd when he reaches hıs last few mınutes before the Fıscher tıme control ın a level game. Then he wıns a pıece wıth a lovely tactıc only to gıve ıt back plus the full poınt after much manouverıng. Danıel chucks a pawn then another and can't hold the ensuıng rook and pawn endgame. We have Lebanon tomorrow and ıf we don't wın wıll probably have the bye ın the last round.

Come on guys! Forget yesterday and enjoy today and tomorrow. You were great players before the start of the event and remain so now - provided you have not let Robin do the coaching Tongue

Its now a two round competition - lets see how many points we can score!
Under 16 regulations -

The tournament shall be run on a 10 Round Swiss. Each match between teams will be conducted over 4 boards. The pairings, scoring and tiebreak regulations are in accordance with the Pairing Rules for the Chess Olympiad.

So why are Scotland placed 33rd in the standings, which appears to be based on total board points? Were it being calculated on match points, as I think the Open Olympiad is, then Scotland would be sitting in at least 23rd place.

Have the draws been made based on match or board points? I thought this event was in Istanbul not Eastern Ayrshire! ;P
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David G Congalton Wrote:Have the draws been made based on match or board points? I thought this event was in Istanbul not Eastern Ayrshire! ;P

Careful now... Big Grin

I see we have managed to avoid the dreaded last round bye and we play South Africa-Team-B tomorrow.
Good Luck tomorrow guys.
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
Well, we achıeved what we set out to do today. We won and avoıded the bye (just!). There were four teams on 15 after today's play and we got lucky and have an opponent tomorrow mornıng ın the last round ın the shape of South Afrıca B. Today we beat the Lebanon 2½-1½. Danıel's game was a very stodgy dull draw. Zak won a pawn then lost the exchange but went on the attack. Hıs opponent blundered under pressure and Zak mated hım nıcely ın the corner. Andrew was ın control agaın and won materıal when hıs opponent was short of tıme. The full poınt followed shortly afterwards. Murad and hıs opponent were ınvolved ın a very excıtıng tactıcal tıme scramble surrounded by spectators where our guy just lost out to a nıce sac followed by a knıght fork. So ıt's now 4 wıns,4 losses,1 draw. Hopefully we wıll be able to add to the plus column tomorrow.

David Deary Wrote:
David G Congalton Wrote:Have the draws been made based on match or board points? I thought this event was in Istanbul not Eastern Ayrshire! ;P

Careful now... Big Grin

Istanbul to Eastern Ayrshire - as GM McGovern might say "How Far?"
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Its a shame that scoring appears to be on board score rather than on the team results. If its a team competition it should be the team result that counts - sure use board scores as tie break but there are teams that are strong because of the bond between players as much as their individual grades. When one player has an off day another responds and plays well. The team may not win 4-0 very often but they may not loose very often either.

In this event there are teams placed a head of Scotland but who have clearly performed significantly worse as a team - see singapore & denmark who manged only 2 wins each.
Mike Scott Wrote:Its a shame that scoring appears to be on board score rather than on the team results. If its a team competition it should be the team result that counts - sure use board scores as tie break but there are teams that are strong because of the bond between players as much as their individual grades. When one player has an off day another responds and plays well. The team may not win 4-0 very often but they may not loose very often either.

In this event there are teams placed a head of Scotland but who have clearly performed significantly worse as a team - see singapore & denmark who manged only 2 wins each.

This changes every so often. It is the same as the Olympiad. Personally I think it should be Match points. A team could win every game 2.5-1.5 and not win and that is a nonsense
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"

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