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Glorney 2013
amuir Wrote:The truth: Scotland were last in the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments by a distance

Moderated myth by Scottish delusionists: Scotland won the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments comfortably as usual

Andy , I just read your post with some distain, I will post a full reply tomorrow, you played on the glorney and you should know better, you know how hard the guys try and how often scotland are usually out graded by some margin, your comments and mores the point your negative vibe is out of order, i saw first hand the matches and despite the odds and eventual results every team playing scotland knew they were in a game.
Alex Gillies
Andy M
Given the fact that so many of the senior juniors were not available this year was not about winning matches and could not be judged on the results alone. The boys in the Glorney in particular demonstrated a disciplined approach which promises improvements in the future.
amuir Wrote:The truth: Scotland were last in the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments by a distance

Mr Muir

You are factually correct, for once. The comment is more negative than a Muon though but hey, whatever floats your boat.

amuir Wrote:Moderated myth by Scottish delusionists: Scotland won the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments comfortably as usual

I haven't a clue who you're referring to, as the Scottish delusionists.

Every member of the Scotland squad at the event in Cardiff was fantastic. Every one of them worked hard and contributed to their team in a positive way. It is a mark of their aspirations that not one of them was content with their score and many (quite rightly) felt that they could have come away with more. No delusionists among the kids.

In some cases, especially early on in the rounds, the lack of experience was apparent among those making their international debut and there were instances during the event of self-doubt and a lack of confidence. The coaches, adults and experienced players worked hard with all of the players on their games and where needed, on their confidence, with a positive outcome. All of those representing Scotland at the event gained experience and lessons were learned. The event was a serious challenge for the teams but every player was competitive.

None of us involved were or are deluded, which is why I have already been looking at ways of building on the experience gained and the lessons learned to give those who played in Cardiff and other juniors the opportunity to develop and improve, as well as increase the number of those who are in competition for places at these events.

Every young person at Cardiff is still developing as a player and also as a person. Had you been there you would have witnessed a whole load of positives on both fronts and very few, if any, negatives. I'll give you two examples.
  • 1. One of our players had just lost but was consoled and then encouraged by a fellow team member before they left the playing hall. A genuine display of leadership, friendship and team spirit.

    2. Another player was lacking in confidence but after preparing for their next game with Heather Lang, carried out the plan and established a clear advantage. Despite their inexperience and the huge pressure they put on themselves, they played the game out carefully and thoughtfully and converted the advantage for a win
It is entirely your perogative to be negative if you wish. All be it without full possession of the facts and having not attended the event. There are those of us who will just get on with positively supporting and assisting our juniors in any way we can.
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amuir Wrote:The truth: Scotland were last in the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments by a distance

Moderated myth by Scottish delusionists: Scotland won the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments comfortably as usual

Andy, are you just being deliberately controversial? Sad
My view is much the same as Alex, Andy B, Mike & David C.
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
For those interested in the thoughts of the other nations -

Welsh Report & Individual Scores:
English: Its in three parts.

David G Congalton Wrote:Every member of the Scotland squad at the event in Cardiff was fantastic. Every one of them worked hard and contributed to their team in a positive way. It is a mark of their aspirations that not one of them was content with their score and many (quite rightly) felt that they could have come away with more. No delusionists among the kids.

^This is my view, every player was striving to do better and felt they could have done so. Every player went over their games and was engaged in the coaching and the first timers achieved some great results. I think their attitude and application should be encouraged.
Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional!
Having played in an awful lot of Scottish teams at all age levels since my first Glorney Cup in 1965, I can't recall any player "in a Scotland shirt", who didn't give their all for the team, whether going through ups or downs. I am quite certain that that applies to the Glorney, Gilbert, u-14 and u-12 teams this year and that all can be proud to have represented Scotland, as well as gained a lot of invaluable experience.

Well done! Keep working hard! Keep positive!
I was given a noticeboard ban when all my posts were delayed by about 12 hours. This ban has now been lifted. My last post on july 27 was actually made on july 26 during this ban. Therefore I may appear "drunk".
Best is for people to have a chat with me about issues at the AGM.
Patrick McGovern Wrote:encouragement for the kids who represented Scotland may be more supportive than extreme negative comments. they put sweat and possibly tears into their efforts, this and the support from coaches and parents (plus the financial support) tend to be overlooked by keyboard critics. the kids did the best they could!

No one is under any illusions as to the gulf in class but the kids will get better and by attending the coaching provided they will get better quickly.

Keep the negativity off the page please

I have to agree. I am helping one of the juniors involved with this and was contacted during the event to apologize for letting me down. I pointed out there was no need and to get back to the board and show me how they could play (which they then duely did!).

I was really pleased with all of the performances and you can bet with the coaching they have received down there we are going to see a boost with most of the players
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
amuir Wrote:I was given a noticeboard ban when all my posts were delayed by about 12 hours. This ban has now been lifted. My last post on july 27 was actually made on july 26 during this ban. Therefore I may appear "drunk".
Best is for people to have a chat with me about issues at the AGM.


You were not banned from the noticeboard. I thought I had sorted out everyones settings but you were in the moderated group. This was a mistake on my part. When you are in the moderated group your post will wait until it has been cleared. When I changed your settings, it released the post but it would appear on the board as when it was originally posted not when it was released.
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Matthew Turner Wrote:5. I must just say that in my opinion the food at the Park Inn was absolutely appalling. I sincerely hope that Scotland will be able to do better next year

We will be certainly be trying to do our best regarding food and accommodation =)

So far it is looking like Glorney 2014 will be held in the University of Stirling from 3rd to 7th August. The food options we are considering at the moment have a focus on healthy eating while keeping the costs for parents and juniors down. The University staff are very keen to support us in this.

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